Possible Improvements to Zorg Physics

Well as the description of zorg physics suggests, it revolutionerizes physics in zorg.

What about having improvements to energy output of solar plants? e.g perhaps after level 5, each level of zorg physics developed will increase output of energy from solar plants by 10% per level?

Well, I have been thinking, since there are ways to boost output of solar sats (hotter planets) and fusion output (energy technology upgrades), why not a way to boost solar plant output as well?

In addition, at some point, it becomes just impractical to upgrade hyperspace, impulse and combustion engines as the research costs are just too high. Perhaps when zorg physics is well developed, there could be say a 20% boost to all ships per level after zorg physics level 10?

Of course, if there are to be such improvements, the research cost of zorg physics has to justify the benefits.

However, Having so many improvements from zorg physics might just be too overpowered; increased speed of buildings, energy boosts for solar plants and engine upgrades.