Re: Player Awards (Discussion)

I would rather talk to a grown up rather talk to an over grown imbecile who refuse to respect others in a forum.

@ moderators and admin: If you consider that as an act of wrong judgement to another person please let it be noted i was asked to kick myself first.

On a thread regarding your hitting target you so said with noble intention that you do not hit the moderators of the chat in game because you think of them so high as their efforts in the forum for their hard work and caring. The mods have been awesome on the forum to arrange a voting system to be organized here and you and your Bastards crap in there just to in flame over a person on a more personal egotistic manner to let him be portrait in others view as an offender, anyone around the forum knows that voting was as a matter of fact directed towards only to make stain to the name dex.

Voting were supposed to be a real mark of sportsman ship and to be honest about it. Yes you are right on one count dex was sporty about it.

Now if you really had any respect of the mod and their efforts you would have really learned to respect all the other voters precious time to take the vote, and would have really taken serious time to post original votes.

Like all the previous ones we have seen what u have posted. And dex has been around more than the last few votes so his style of game play is been around.

What is important to notice is that every thread where that one player have posted systematically or indicatively bastards or previously known horsemen have crapped those threads with flame and retarded comments or really unnecessary trail of issues.

If you have personal issues sort them out in the pm or in game kill each other out, we will clap for your efforts.

But please let the forum be about the ppl in general not about bastards and some turtle.

now you can please do kick yourself out of the forum.

-1 warning for flaming
Got a problem with a mod?
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Player Awards (Discussion)

Spy you are being a little bit of a.. Whats the word 'Child' about this.

i dont think the issue is our votes the issue is you had a couple of votes and got excited about winning a random award.

Our point of view is that Dex is far more deserving than you and thats why he has got our votes. We discussed our votes together but had the same opinions and our votes are what we all thought.

Im not quite sure what the issue is here????? So as i said if you want that tissue i have a few here for you to shed a tear over.

Re: Player Awards (Discussion)

And yet with everyone of our posts there you are to kindle the how you can possible know what is going on in our minds...and sportmanship is all you think Dex is good at..he's a machine..therefore our collective votes are sincere and deserving..we have already established he is not a move behind all these defensive posts...dont like our comments..don't read em.

Go get some toilet paper and wipe the Dex off the end of your nose btw...your looking a little brown :!:

Re: Player Awards (Discussion)

-Death- wrote:dont like our comments..don't read em.
should follow that suggestion yourself first lmao. i did left your vicinity with that ignore tactics you mentioned, you are the one failed to ignore and came here and started ranting on.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Player Awards (Discussion)

what i am and what the primes are made and build of is not judge by what you think but what u can test upon them in game, and be sure what ever you do, we will learn from your mistakes or our mistakes but this is certain we would try not to repeat ours let alone yours.

and do not think for a second that what ever going on in here is going to affect the game play inside ze, i keep forum game and chat all separate as three serves three aspects of the communal behavior which you failed to see already.

i did do the following to those who failed to over come that aspect of their personality of my alliance.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Player Awards (Discussion)

Holy crap the sportsmanship on these forums has taken an absolute nosedive over the last few weeks... what the hell is wrong with all of you? I've been honored to be part of this community for the most part...until right now. This is a GAME...don't treat it like it is all you live for (although that may be true for some...I pity those of you that that is the case) - so that means that trolling and flaming every god damn thread is just stupid. Its just been a nonstop war of the words ever since the hit that Gozar put on Thorr... you guys need to SERIOUSLY chill out, ALL of you.