by Maul64
In this thread, I see a lot of " I hate all ____ , with exceptions of course"
I think we can do better. All music starts somewhere, with somebody liking it enough to make the recording and put it on sale. So, almost by definition, all music is liked by someone. Why then, is there this massive hatred for some types of music? Personally, I think a lot of it has to do with the disconnect between the artist and the listener; as any musician knows, it's much more fun to play/make a song than to listen to it.
Secondly, there's the issue of complexity. As time has progressed, I see mainstream music becoming simpler and simpler. Songs are reduced to a beat or a hook repeated endlessly so that the 30 second iTunes sample or that pause when flipping through radio stations presents the best part of the song, no matter what part of the song it comes from. Now, in some ways, this is good. Though I think of myself as a musician and a fan of music, I have a very hard time absorbing symphonies with thirty or ninety different and meshing timbres and rhythms without repeat listening and good headphones. Rock, with a simple guitar, voice, bass, and drum arrangement is easier to take in, and often more pleasant as well.
I feel like I could go on forever about this, but here's the point: I like music that's interesting. If the artist truly puts their soul into a song, and takes care to make sure that every aspect is exactly right, I will like it, no matter what genre it is.
Everyone else, explain why you hate the music you hate; it's more interesting that way.
"Quem notrum ignorare arbitraris, Catalina!" --Cicero