Re: cuntis vs dex the recycling

as pointed out by SPY

building rankings

1 dex Write a message Shi`ar Empire 8.406.479
2 rjsturgill Write a message 2 8.297.096
3 -Death- Write a message Four Horsemen 6.633.766
4 famine Write a message Four Horsemen 6.498.585
5 Righteous Write a message Four Horsemen 6.155.867

how much room are we talking here for 1?

and who said we all are making RiPs for 2?

just because i am recycling some BS for RiPs doesn't mean a good portion isn't going to BC construction..a ship that is halve the cost of BS.

All it means is larger diameter moons are being removed as a safe haven..figure it out..what diameter would it take to be safe from 4500 range of rips?

Re: cuntis vs dex the recycling

when i failed my ninja on GWD wasn't it you that told me "see that is why i build BS. so that i can recycle the fleet, deut you can't recycle." but now you change your mind and want BC because it takes 4x less deut per hit?
how i'm still around.... no one knows...

Re: cuntis vs dex the recycling

if i use BC i won't lose any ;) its a new world out there and that point is still fact..deut can not be recycled but everyone builds rips now so now it as evolved to he with the most rips will rule the profit margin but it is not 4x less only 2x.

i also said i wasnt quitting till i had a milBS and 100k dessies too gonna be hard when i have zero of them in a few hours..

and the barbaque wont happen until i can launch 12,000 rips at dex so don't appear he will be quitting anytime soon as advertised

Re: cuntis vs dex the recycling

To be safe from 4500 rips needs a 9705. Anything else has a 100% chance of being destroyed. Although, w a 9705, rips have a 99.69 chance of popping the moon, they also have a 49% chance of backfire.

As for recycling himself into a shell, who really cares if Gumps decides to crash some ships and convert em? The crashings will become smart if a proper battle engine was ever put in play, although as I've said before, I gave up on that a while ago :roll: . The point is that we are all playing a game. If someone is an enemy, why not send a def bash at em? Usually a war is the way to go about it, but meh, a little hate only makes these games fun!

@Dex, about leaving to other games after a year or so, can't say I blame you! When I joined I remember hearing there would be ACS out in a few weeks! How long has it been now, 56 weeks or so?

Dex does a lot of raids, I've seen that count of his. If I remember right it's sitting around 13x of what mine is, I hate math, but let's think here. Not counting his buildings, and Dex has the best buildings in the game... saying he has 18mil points (because tbh I am only logging in every day or two and don't feel like checking), that would mean that Dex would require a profit of about 2.5mil on each raid should he have 35k raids. Take into account his high mining incomes, then account for small crashes and yeah, he making that much mathematically makes perfect sense.

About hits: I made 90-95% of my hits alone. I never really had the luxury of having a lot of friends with recyclers sitting by til now and as a result, had to do a lot of the stuff solo. Personally I have fed more hits to other people than had myself. Sometimes a couple were too big or risky to get and the VAST majority I always had posted in circs to give to others. I only was fed fleets a couple times. Co-ords I have asked for specifically I have gotten often from DT and Torgy. Pulling the trigger has been solo. Not sure where that came up but I recalled seeing it somewhere in the thread as I skimmed it lol

@ Gumps, Keep at least a few hundred k of them BS sitting around, always nice to have em. Personally, I still think they are the way to spam for now.

@ Everyone else, damn we love our flaming lately! Keep it up, cause seeing posts from unusual people lately lol

@ Kron, I had 75k bs and 776 rips, nobody cares anymore about what we use to have lol

@ Gumps, half deut cost, double shields means half ships sent at 1/2 deut cost each... 1/4 deut cost for no-loss

And finally, how many people named other games on this thread illegally?
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: cuntis vs dex the recycling

well just some facts I learned the last week speaking with some zorg people.

my buildings are 2nd in mining RJ makes the most income from his mines appearantly still. (when hes not in vmode :))

i'm nr 1 in raids Raids : 42.687 | Wins : 42.476 | Losses : 211 jikes lots of work.
appearantly 2nd place had 25.625 with playing just 5months longer. (hmm i sure thought gump said he had 37k in kicks thread...)
3rd place was 17k or somethin.

these stats would be cool to see somewhere. like the stats zorg posted once on total defences being a total of 75mil ll before I added 25mil of them.

ow and u people think all i go is 80lc raids? since im not posting crashreports no more doesnt mean i dont do them. just didnt feel like posting them even tho i crashed 2 40rip fleets during last week. he should have jioned the rips in 1 fleet i never could have hit him lolz....

and the rec i just did on gump is nice for another mil ll :P enjoy ipming it down :lol:
In the zorg universe, if you go to sleep expect to smell napalm in the morning.

Re: gump vs dex the recycling

dexternl wrote:
I thaught Starcraft 2. And I take offense to you quitting. Who will laugh at me kicking spy for lurking in galaxy chat anymore?
I wont leave galaxy chat dont worrie I dont leave friends when I stop playing a game.
I still chat with my quake /sc /guildwars buddies to. so yea sc2 :P
EDIT: @ ace i dont go to galaxy no more...
yea thats why im in 3 chatrooms now all the time lolz...
Its good to hear you still will be visiting chat :D

Re: cuntis vs dex the recycling

I think I might just tell everyone I am Barack Obama. There are enough gullible people, I might get away with it!

324 Gumppy VENI-VIDI-VICI 94.700
Looks like someone with insecurity issues... Do you need a hug?

Raids : 17.572 | Wins : 17.226 | Losses : 346
Would be more if it wasn't for those pesky debris fields I have cleaned up. 300 of those losses were created from trying to give Death moons for his victims. Victims that he found alone, attacked alone, and recycled alone!
[Showing no mercy!

Re: cuntis vs dex the recycling

Interesting that information is handed out though...nice to see discretion is out the window with the zorg team,and you could say you are #1 because RJ shall not be returning.

All that raiding,congrats,5 months shorter,congrats..wonder if that was reset to get information from zorg team about other accounts,congrats...true hero..of course zorg has wanted me gone from the game since i was shoving his crap battle engine in his face way back be more precise as to his statement in his email to me..I hope you lose!I did in that reset..but non sarcastically ,you did admit publicly that it was an unjustice and kudos for that ;)
42.687 / 17.365.527 = 406.81 points per raid
25,625 / 21.776.542 (current rank #)= 849.81 points per raid guess i'm not as wasteful as 1 would believe
17.226/ 16.740.379 (current rank #)=971.80 both averages will go up when Q's are done and fleets return.. would appear he is even less wasteful

major hits bring out the crickets and generate mild forum activity but generally it is just the same 12-18 people ..wonder what some of the hit counts would really be if you took off the counter from the person who generated the post to begin with, what the numbers would be as to actual 'activity'?

how many times have we tried to bring people to forums to really..but in that it does not mean others don't read from time to time.

and actually having seperate threads or catagories spreads it thin..most people visit just to see who the latest victum was and move on disregarding most in the other areas.

Oh carefull all you guys hiding rips from the SB..if someone asks zorg what you have it appears he will tell them

Re: cuntis vs dex the recycling

wow, to be honest I always used to look up to u guys.
then the whole calling me a cheater to everyone thing happened ect....
and now what are u so angry about. its just a game.
and as statistics go those would be added soon anyways since they wanna implement player statistics. and its not really that I asked for the info. I only got the info in the discussion they had to with me of being accuses and they used it for comparison. they didnt say who had those raids but its hard not to just guess.

sometimes I wonder what happened between the time we where talking all friendly in pm's in april and now. since I got no clue what u have against me.
In the zorg universe, if you go to sleep expect to smell napalm in the morning.