Best Signature Competition

What's that children? You're ready for another chance to win rubies? Well here it is:

Now announcing Zorg Empire's very own Signature competition with fabulous prizes such as:
-500 Rubies to the First Place winner
-300 Rubies to the Second Place winner
-200 Rubies to the Third place winner

Wow! Rubies just like that you say? Well hold your horses for a second and allow me to explain the rules.

1. You cannot enter more than 2 created signatures.
2. Icons may only be submitted by players in the game; if your forum account is different than your game account, you must state your username.
2½. Since this competition is open to both servers, you must state which server you'd like the rubies deposited into.
3. Once submitted, your images cannot be changed, edited, or switched out for other images.
4. The size of your displayed images can be no larger than 600x150.
5. You cannot vote for one of your own images.
6. All images must be submitted in the appropriate topic BEFORE the set date of voting can begin - no exceptions.
7. If you submit an signature, you must vote to be eligible to win.

Now onto the procedures:
There will be a one month window in which submissions will be taken. Submissions are to be in image brackets like so: [img]link[/img]. After the month is up, the topic will be locked and a new one will be opened for voting. You will either vote for your favorite 10. This will be open for a week. Once the top 10 are chosen, there will be a poll; you are to vote for your favorite icon out of those chosen. The top three will receive the prizes.

Good luck. Now start submitting those sigs boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Best Signature Competition

here is my first one.
courtesy of Gale. I am working on an original one. Guess u have to wait for that one :).

EDIT: ooops extreme player here.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Best Signature Competition


I think I did a good job on this Signature:

May the best Sig win!!!
'Wake early if you want another man's life or land. No lamb for the lazy wolf.
No battle's won in bed.'

The Havermal (Viking Book of Wisdom)

Re: Best Signature Competition

I'll throw in this one I made a while ago. Gonna be making another one too ;)
Same name, Xtreme server.

Also, Sloth, a couple grammar/spelling mistakes. You're getting sloppy :P
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Best Signature Competition

I <3 my sig :D

Oh btw if nobody knows what the thing on the left is it is a Phoenix from sc2 :).

I suppose send the rubies to standard (although I'd preferably like an option to transfer them between accounts since I have no idea how I'd use them lmao).

Re: Best Signature Competition


THE BLACK,Fired,Angel Heart:

its short, romantic, daring, charming, cool, and compassionate

thanks to weres of cource

that is my entery

EDIT: MY 2 "quotes in green under my sig count too :P
Last edited by Ahsan on Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict what they will do. "