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Re: Shields

Slash wrote:They can, especially if the attacker has selected "ALL" for his IPM target.

However, a single IPM specifically targeted for a shield will take it out with no problem.
Even the large shield dome?

Re: Shields

One attack of missiles (5) launched from x [x:xx:xattacked the planet x [x]

Light Laser (- 2)
Gauss Cannon (- 17)

17 Gauss x 30,000 health per =510,000 health
LL 2k health

512,000 divide be 5 =102,400 damage per dang

what Lv does weapon teck need to be at.... hmmm

Re: Shields

Sadbutrue wrote:no tech is needed you need to buy 4 missile silos to have the IPM's but only 2 to get access to the ABM
Only thing is IPMs do 12k damage in their info. With weapon teck 10 it would be 24000 damage. Why are EACH missile hitting for 100k is what im asking.