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Re: I think This guy is cheating!

Sadbutrue wrote:build a fleet and get over 10k then we can have some fun. and by that i mean i will recycle your fleet and buy a bunch more ships

The man that once did sell the lion’s skin
While the beast lived, was killed with hunting him.
-William Shakespeare

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

You would do well to watch that mouth of yours, the quote has a deeper meaning then you might see.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

I am not arguing. By building tension and friction it makes the game more interesting. for example if RAWK destroys my fleet they will feel so satisfied. this game lacks 3 things propaganda, alliance cohesion and direction in many cases. I will see if i can make a forum parallel to this one where everyone can come, where a ban does not transfer to the game.

this forum is great for what it is intended as a forum to help new people. i appreciate this forum and its rules and it reflects great on the game and community.
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

Question, you are automatically prevented from attacking players with less than 1/5 of your points BY the game right? I remember you can't scout these players nor attack them. Does this mean that any of the players you can attack is in line with the protection rule: (As long as you & your target are below 10 000 points, you can attack players up to 5 times your points or down to 1/5 (your points / 5) of your points.) ? :?
We came in PEACE! But you came in Pieces.

Daddy, I am your father.

Nobody's perfect. I am Nobody!

Alright who's next to be liberated from freedom?

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

Sadbutrue wrote:you keep using that quote but i have no respect for Shakespeare the dude was a stoner.
Well, I wanted to quote several people but couldn't so I chose that one.

Snips, your right, It is realyl entertaining watching them bicker espeacaillay since Sadbuttrue dosen't understand shakespear.

Sadbuttrue, the qoute can mean several things, but here it means predator will soon be prey. ;) Have fun being kind before your citizens mutiny or in this case, a higher king say istaris or someone comes and rips you down ;) Have fun again. :lol: :D :ugeek: word of the day :ugeek: haha...rofl.

Hey, maybe you should move this tread to alliance wars.
If I had to choose who I would die fighting against, I would choose corrupt government.

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

i saw istaris's fleet i am not concerned it would be suicide for him. and i know Shakespeare i just think he is irrelevant and he steals material. Overrated.
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

Sadbutrue wrote:i saw istaris's fleet i am not concerned it would be suicide for him.
Of course you did, you probed and saw the fleet i had on one planet. 8-)

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...