Really New Ideas ?

We are wondering if some people got some REALLY NEW ideas ?
I mean besides new spaceships, technologies etc.

Something like the 3d map that has already been suggested. If yes... we are here to hear and develop them. :D

Re: Really New Ideas ?

how about a new building likea space port... and setting up REAL trade routes besides manually sending cargo ships ? and setting up trade routes the players have to accept and can gain extra resources ? trade route lvl 1 between 2 people gains like +1000 each resource then each level it doubles ??

jsut an idea :)

Re: Really New Ideas ?

Marine Assault Ship
(This was mentioned in an earlier thread)

It would allow attacking players to destroy a single enemy building. One level of a structure, so it could knock a Metal mine down from level 20 to level 19 for instance. It would be moderately expensive, allowing for the assault personnel and vehicles aboard -- perhaps 200K metal, 60K crystal, 40K deut. It would have to survive all 6 rounds of combat before being able to assault the planet / moon.

Assault missions would not harvest any resources for the attacking player. Their sole purpose would be to knock out key enemy installations.

Used against an undeveloped colony, it would eliminate the colony -- a way to clear a planet slot for colonization, or just to sweep little farm planets from the universe.

If the assault ship survives, it has a 70% chance of successfully destroying something. 35% Attacker's choice, 35% random defense structure.