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Re: about espionage .........

You can't make your target don't know that you spying him/her.
itatieghi wrote:how do I make a successful espionage even though my target is a large amount of ships and without my probes are detected,....
About that,you must remember that Esp-Probe have RF from all kinds of Ship (even solar-sat can destroy it). Soo...the larger numbers of ship your target have,the bigger chance of being detected.Also,Esp tech and the numbers of your Esp-probe send affect the Esp Report
Check : viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4894&hilit=Espionage#p49580

Re: about espionage .........

cool ..... I understand ...thx again .. but now how do I detect a poll enemy .... I've been watching the posts and realized that even someone with tech lvl 8 and be the target of someone with probing tech lvl 7, yet he was spied part .... I say this, is there any way to avoid being probed and destroy probes enemy ?????

Re: about espionage .........

No. No matter what tech you have, or defenses you have, you will always be probed, and your information will always be given away. This is why it's best to fleetsave any ships and extra resources.
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

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