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Re: How to take over another planet

Then how can you take over 16 slots in one system? 0.o....

Attack the unlucky person in your system untill he or she gives up ZE or smthing? Seems a bit crude:/

Ive noticed the inactivity can go to 28 long can a player be inactive and still be there 0.o...cause inactivity and acount deletion...dont seem to go hand in hand here in the short run..
The pen, when correctly used can be sharper than the blade.

Re: How to take over another planet

Slash wrote:I absolutely love it when you folks put all your colonies in one place. I sincerely do. It makes for such easy work when I drop my roamer beside you. It's like free candy and I just plow through it.

So keep it up. You're doing great. For my empire.
Indeed. It is not advisable to put all your colonies in the same system/couple systems or even in the same galaxy. Not only could this make you a "farm", but it would also have a negative effect on your raiding span, now and later in the game. Some players tend to bunch up a few of their planets for easy development, i myself am a cluster player, i have three major planet clusters strategically placed in different galaxies and one "roamer" or mobile colony. Some other players tend to completely space out their planets and not have even one in very close proximity to another, while this may have a small negative effect on development early on in colonising it becomes very advantagous later on in the game. Each type of colonisation has it's pros and cons, just play at what best suits you.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...