TheOne (A ~ O) VS good-of-barney (T()P)

Last saturday before I jumped to V mode for RL reason, I found someone probed my colonies. I decided to check it out and found his tiny fleet parked. Actually that time my fleet still in the air FS. So I gather my resources from some of my mines and build 500 BS to attack this player. After 1 hours 500 BS well cooked and ready to deploy to attack but I notice that I didn't have any recycler to collect the DF. I almost canceled the attack mission but what a heck let have some fun and here the result :

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 307 units of Metal, 154 units of Crystal and 51 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 5.280.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 26.763.350 units.
A debris field containing 11.434.560 units of Metal and 6.160.650 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

Losses came from 88 BS. After that I jump to V mode cause I really need to go.
Back from V mode I found PM from him consist of "s*****t" word, so no GLOTR for you :P

Re: TheOne (A ~ O) VS good-of-barney (T()P)

Whoa, the first time I read that I just missed the "not recycling df" part. If that is the case, just post the co-ords to a smaller alliance mate and give em a nice little boost. Ween the little players in your alliance until they become powers :P
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: TheOne (A ~ O) VS good-of-barney (T()P)

@Kick, at that time, I had to jump into V mode before the attack landed. I need to run to hospital for emergency and stay off from the game for 4 days. I check the CR after 4 days. thats why I didn't inform anyone about DF and it became free pizza for Lakarin.

Re: TheOne (A ~ O) VS good-of-barney (T()P)

lol i didn't get it, i was just saying if i was Barney i would have thanked you for leaving the DF to make the whole rebuild process faster and easier. Plus if i picked it up i would have shipped it back to you for having been a dick to you on my first acc (sorry bout that snave)
Oppose me, you oppose death. Grim Reaper hasn't lost one yet.

Re: TheOne (A ~ O) VS good-of-barney (T()P)

Lakarin wrote:lol i didn't get it, i was just saying if i was Barney i would have thanked you for leaving the DF to make the whole rebuild process faster and easier. Plus if i picked it up i would have shipped it back to you for having been a dick to you on my first acc (sorry bout that snave)
It remind me of A~O vs Memel, at that time my strongest ship are Cruisers, my WSA lvl just 7 or maybe only lvl 5, I didn't know how to FS, after I know how to FS can you hit me ?? You wanna remember how big the losses ?? It make 1M DF each attack ?? what a huge DF. It was easy for you ? yes because I remember you and raven hit me after Devacel send RIPs to destroyed my defenses. Yes, you always came after Devacel and Klizac hit me, which is you need someone to hit me first so you can farm me. Then you ran away from memel before the war finish yes you ran away, and YOU PROUD ABOUT THAT ??. After that you joined Eterna, we have NAP with Eterna. I believe you affraid of revenge from ours. Not long ago you quit cause can't help being farm by the other players ???
I remember replied your PM about joining memel in the middle of the war and I refused. Even I was hit badly and farming couple times by you and raven, I never hit V mode or quit the game or leave A~O, you see until now I am with them. I even manage to farming back Raven. And you ask me to stop. I always hunt Raven until he jumped into long V mode and then quit the game. I even farming Svajus the former memel leader. I can't touch you because of, I must mention one more time, you are in Eterna and we have NAP.
The great Lakarin, I encourage you to play harder to gain some more point so you leave the noob protection then we check the Uoh again, if you still way below I can't do anything to you, The Great Lakarin. The reasons I keep playing is you, I almost quit cause you gone, I jumped to V mode for almost 2 months because my great lakarin quit. Now you are not in Eterna, don't even think to join them again cause A~O have NAP with Eterna. Just keep playing and reach your reasonable rank and we see what will happen. Don't quit either my friend cause you make my life in this game more interesting, it was boring lately. :lol: Proof it you are not a Quiter :lol:
This will be my last conversations with you. You can comment as many as you like. Hunters never talk to their prey. :evil:

Re: TheOne (A ~ O) VS good-of-barney (T()P)

um... lol ok... glad to see you've learned a lot. I'm outta noob protection ('round 20k points) and have no moons, so do what you will, furthermore i'm in AoV, and i plan to be there for awhile. Also i never wanted to leave Memel during that war, I was commanded to, in order to care of our casaulties and help them, along with myself rebuild (Rukai's 10k BCs made quick work of my fleet) and I went to Eterna with my 2nd acc because a friend had offered me, nothing to do with you. But hey, i've rarely gotten a taste of my own medicine and i can't honestly expect the demons i've created to let that by. Also in reference to 'quitting' i tend to find my school and extracirriculars vastly more important. this year my extracirriculars are easing up quite a bit, so i'll be able to play effectivly during the year which is why i made this acc. Once again, i apologize for any cruelty in the past, and am glad to see how strong you've become.

edit: i'd also like to note i don't 'hide' in vaca mode. and i won't be really tough to hunt me seeing as i have no moons, and only one trick up me sleeve to avoid lanxing, so it won't be as much to spice up your game rather than to get out some old hate.
Oppose me, you oppose death. Grim Reaper hasn't lost one yet.