Re: Battle Simulator

It was the ratio glitch. Same thing that causes espy probes to detonate on contact with thin air.

Its quite alright, Istalris. I recovered the debris and learned a valuable lesson.

Re: Battle Simulator

OUCH!!!! ROFL!!!!

im glad i was told about the glitch before i found out the hard way, you'll be glad to here you were not the only one thats happened to though Slash, dont think the other one was against LF though, thats a bit extreme and i only said it as a joke... :)

Re: Battle Simulator

Yeah, I was considering keeping it under my hat. But it's something that the folks with Death Stars now have to consider when attacking a fleet defended planet. :D

Re: Battle Simulator

My personal opinion is that Death Stars are the most over rated ship in the game.

True, there's nothing that will take out a moon but a RIP (sometimes). And in mass they're devastating on a heavily turtled defense. But they're incredibly slow and subject to the same glitches any other ship can suffer. Only with a RIP loss, you're losing tons of resources.

Lets face it. If you can't get out of the way of an incoming RIP attack you deserve what you get.

Re: Battle Simulator

yes but with rapid fire implemented they become to strong
there are player who have more than 5rips
it is just to easy to build them and with rapid fire they will get less worth because most of the players can build them

Re: Battle Simulator

The combat simulatorr sounds really nice, maybe then i'll finally get a hang of combat situations in this game
3, 2, 1.....Boom! Headshot


Re: Battle Simulator

Wow... it was March when I first put this thing out... and now it's June and the battle simulator is still not going yet? lame.