Re: Discuss new battle engine here

Shandris wrote:i understand zorg, its just slightly annoying that battle can be random sometimes and make you lose a lot more than you should have :\ but i guess i can live with it..

the only other thing i think you should have a look at, rapid fire itself, makes no difference at all to most of mine or other big fleeters battles, since the shields of ships refresh for each rapid fire shot

basically that means if you have enough shielding to 0 loss the first shot, it doesnt matter how many times you get rapid fired upon, you are never going to lose a unit

maybe consider looking into this and changing it so that the shields dont refresh with each shot? i know this would be a huge change in battle numbers and 0 losses would be a lot rare but it would make things a lot more interesting from a fleeter point of view, more tactical ship selection instead of pure numbers

This shield issue sounds important and you make a good point here.
Perhaps we should forward this to immediate update. Could you all perhaps give some more detail on how it should work instead ?

We could at first create a simulator with the changes, and if they seem to be work well, copy the changes to the server.

Re: Discuss new battle engine here

Zorg wrote:There seems to be flawless operation of the battle engine + combat ismulator I guess. We are still at toes for any issues that may arise.

In the meanwhile, the development team believes that in order to prevent getting mono-death star fleets and increasy strategy in fleetings, we will need a new ship type.

This ship type must meet the following requirements:
-Very strong against rips
-Vulnerable to a certain ship type (only 1)
-Medium towards the rest

This ship will have same requirements as RIP except for the Graviton Tech: It will need Graviton Tech 2

You may post ideas with full ship details here.

i realy like the idear of a nev ship but also maby as a ds is as as big as a small moon and it is megga hard it could b misiled ?

Re: Discuss new battle engine here

Bobrox2000 wrote:Or at least take a percentage of the shielding down per rapid fire shot. So instead of being 100%, 100%, 100%... It would be more like 100%, 94%, 86%... and so on. Just an idea.
I agree with this.It is the most realistic.and as for the rest of the battle engine arguement I would really like to say something but given the mass contraversy I think I'll pass :shock:
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.

Re: Discuss battle engine here

Death Star Vs. The Weaklings...
If you run the combat sim and put One Death Star Vs. 100,000 Solar sats it will end in a tie with NONE of the Sats lost. Thats just wrong..... wich also brings me to your anti RIP ship. if it requires a level 2 grav you would need probrably alot of sats and stuff. Why dont you just defend with sats? Power, sheilds, not costy so you see my point? just try it.

Re: Discuss battle engine here

HyperFusion wrote:Death Star Vs. The Weaklings...
If you run the combat sim and put One Death Star Vs. 100,000 Solar sats it will end in a tie with NONE of the Sats lost. Thats just wrong..... wich also brings me to your anti RIP ship. if it requires a level 2 grav you would need probrably alot of sats and stuff. Why dont you just defend with sats? Power, sheilds, not costy so you see my point? just try it.
Lmao then attack with 2 RIPs :O... typically if you've gotten one RIP you will probably be getting another one >.>

Re: Discuss battle engine here

Which brings us back to the shield thing. I don't think that shields should be refreshed per shot, either. But if you just set it at zero shields on the second RF shot, then the only thing stopping the damage would be the structure points. How about if we use Shandris's and Bobrox2000's ideas, together. And add a little bit...

Ok, say a RIP squad has RF against a total of 1,354,780 shields. The RIPs fire for a total of 21 shots, each shot carrying 1,200,000 damage. (made up numbers) Technically, there would be 154,780 shields left. On the second shot, the shields would have time to refresh just for a second before taking more damage. Why not restore the shields by 10% before each shot? It would really make a difference. 135,478 would be 10%, added to the 154,780 that was left would give you 290,258 shields. The RIPs fire for 1,200,000 damage. 290,258 damage is absorbed. the other 980,742 hits the defences/ships directly. This happens the other way around, also.

These numbers are really just random, picked for the schenario's sake, but I think it makes sense. >.>
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

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