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I think This guy is cheating!

theres this guy who is attacking me and he has 57 times the points I have. is this cheating? because I cant attack him and its not fair.
:| I wasnt sure if it was cheating so I m asking for help.
Artifical Inteligence Intended for Assination and Sabatoge

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

I think it says in the FAQ or rule section, cant remember which that a player COULD rise in points after attacking you or fall.

or vise versa, where you destroy his fleet and he falls bellow you.

Either way one side may fall into the safe area *Where you cant attack another player because of the point dif*
The pen, when correctly used can be sharper than the blade.

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

the thing is I dont have 10,000 points though I have 1,000 some. and he has 57,000 some.
Artifical Inteligence Intended for Assination and Sabatoge

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

also if you are inactive for 2 days you lose your protection without being marked inactive. the rule of thumb for me is if the spy probe goes through you probably have resources even if you are green. this has nothing to do with points. I believe this was in the help files and it might have been me that farmed you out
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

but I wasnt I check it every day.also I reported him and now he magicly has 100,000 some points.that make 1,000 points look like an ant.
Artifical Inteligence Intended for Assination and Sabatoge

Re: I think This guy is cheating!

its not u I know who it is,but watch sadbutrue u attacked 1 of my alliance members so watch. ;) :twisted:
Artifical Inteligence Intended for Assination and Sabatoge