Righteous[4Horsemen] vs SPY[Σ Π]~TD~ 1,520,903,600

The story this time was fun.. Loko contacted me to ask for help with recyclers which I was happy to agree..He explained he had launched on SPY with RIPS but would take 2hrs to arrive.. I checked for him and worked out times for our recyclers . while I was looking I noticed time on his planet, so probed the moon his fleet was on.. contacted Loko to let him know SPY was online.. (resources had been moved along with a large amount of cargo's). Loko agreed that he was online and recalled his Rips... We agreed to wait and pop his moon ..later that afternoon..hoping he would FS from that moon. So left him alone for a few hrs.., during this time I watched his planet and noted the time changes.. seeing a pattern I decide to try my luck (btw with full agreement from Loko) I had only enough deut available to launch BC and 2/3rds of the RC required but held off on the RC's because of the deut cost..knowing he could come online anytime and FS...Well following the sim ..and short on deut.. 10 mins later BOOM!!! but a tie due to the fact his cargo's had returned.. I let Loko know to send his share of RC and together we got most of the DF.. deut arrived from a colony one gala away so sent follow ups.. Big thanx to Loko for the tip and I would like to say joint effort.. :dance:

The battle ends in a tie !
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.518.458.600 units.
A debris field containing 400.944.960 units of Metal and 510.130.200 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

follow ups including the cargo's sent to move the resources this was pure luck on my part..

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 13758312 units of Metal, 15799774 units of Crystal and 706997 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 2.445.000 units.
A debris field containing 733.500 units of Metal and 733.500 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 14 %

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 6879156 units of Metal, 7899887 units of Crystal and 353498 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 0 units.
A debris field containing 0 units of Metal and 0 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

Most of the df accounted for ..

Glotr: SPY or what ever you decide when you return from VM..?

Re: Righteous[4Horsemen] vs SPY[Σ Π]~TD~ 1,520,903,600

Just one thing it was awesome teamwork and all in all a great effort to get to me. Gozar aka righteous as u may know i have evended u and ur kind before easily and have been fondling with danger as it was fun to watch u all try and fail over and over. Truly it was all fun.

I have already mentioned that i might have to quit, but really did not wanted to quit this amazing game, am too much into it i guess, got back in with a limping net connection and was still managing to play my almost regular game and evading tactics...

Now what happened today.

First of it was sneakemaneded who started all this. I hit him from THE MOON and as i like him to try to probe me back he did so and sent a moon destro at me. Now that is exactly what i wanted, i know the moon is not a small one but 8.1K hardly is a big moon when u are dealing with force compared to 2500 RIP or more who knows.

Manede is my moon rebuild auto button lolz.

Then Loco probed me as he is in BR and so is a few others i have been playing this evading tactice very easily with him before. I knew he would try to bring in any of the 4HM Player but was really hoping would be GWD but hey Gozar is very well adjusted for my test for teasing as well.

Anyway i knew there is going to be an attack coming on to me soon. Now here is my net situation, my regular net goes down pretty much every now and then but i have a pretty good cell phone net backup, that was what i counted on to get back in game. But when things starts to go wrong everything starts to go wrong, my original net went down.... so i went in to my cell to watch over the game. i had a rec mission out bound there was waiting for it to return so that i can clear off that coord to a new feeding ground. Remember learners u always need to move around to find new targets cause that is the only way u can increase ur inflow. anyways, all of a sudden major disaster on my end and i am cut off from net. both hard line and cell phone, can happen in around where i am at, is not as high end service as u westerners might have...

When i got back in there was not much i could do. the fleet was already gone and funny thing showed up on my screen. a moon destro mission was on towards me, man who sends a moon destro to a moon when u already got the fleet and more over there were tons of res on that moon too surprise surprise from 4HM game play, u guys still are confused or really dun care about what u do.

So i tried to salvage what ever i could with that limping cell net, managed to get two waves of rec mission with only 60 rec so it was not much then all the DF was cleared. and tried to send few lc that was available to moon to get the res, lol then i think righteous realized there might be some res there to salvage after all as my colony showed activity and he probed. Still amazing how less planning u put in even u say u did a good team work.. anyway it took me 25 sec to go through first fleet menu to the launch menu to transfer what ever res i could cheap out from that moon. the incoming fleet attack took 16 min to reach me so i managed to do around 5 trips. thats all i could do and i hit the VMode.

for learners how to evade, my one penny on that.

1. Do not panic (its just a game)
2. Calculate how many LC u need to deploy away or transfer the res onboard (Metal+crystal+deut)/25000=LC count.
3. Get that many LC and move ur fleet to another moon. or at least try to involve one moon in the transfer else u be caught in lanx.
4. Jump to next moon. (preferably have 3 to 4 options on different galaxies)
5. If possible do it at the very last moment so that u can have a cr report that all that effort on ur attack had gained the attacker 0 res for the lulz.

move in a bigger fleet on the moon through jumpgate jump, or deploy or acs defend a colony matching the arrival time to the last sec dun do it on the 0 sec zorg has a pretty nasty reputation for getting glitchy.

Ninja trials are done with different fleet speeds start with if possible 10% if u cant make it increase the speed up as u go, in this way if u fail to meet one window u will have a few more to match with later.


Hope that cleared that if u know what to do and how to do, no matter how good is the team work is u can always escape. Unfortunately for me i was not equipped with better resources. One mistake i must admit i made, i should have cleared off the moment i got spotted but hey that is not the way i play the game, u may have reference of it from a few others who have already chased me.

There will be a big glotr for me ingame but am afraid that will have to wait.

Enjoy the res righteous u will loose it if i can take it from u :lol: hey i can wish for anything right.

All this to say that anything is really possible in this game good and bad.


PS: one correction Gozar, I was online the whole time till my net went down.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.