Some Random Tips and Tricks

-Try to navigate around using only your moons. It will prevent * (activity indicators) from showing up on your planets.

-Building something on a moon then canceling it when you need some deut or when it almost finishes is good way of hiding fuel consumption when staging up ninjas.

-Espionage ships have cargo space. :whistle:

-Sometimes the best place to raid is around your planet that hasn't been probed the longest. Most raiders scan every planet they pass through and take most of the profit. If you have not been probed there recently, then it is possible that nobody has sweeped there recently.

Mind suddenly became blank... Will think of something else to add later.
Any other tips you can think of?
Seasons end.

Re: Some Random Tips and Tricks

Phalanx as often as you probe, you would be surprised what you find...

if there is no profit around you, cross galaxy raiding (eg from 3 to 4) is often very efficient, since you can attack the whole of galaxy 4 from any point in galaxy 3 and the travelling distance will stay the same
thanks for the awesome sig surrias <3

Re: Some Random Tips and Tricks

MIcro-fleet saving -

You've learned to fleet save when your not playing - great. Now it's time to learn to fleet save while your playing. Never leave your fleet on a moon while your looking for targets or busy with other fleets. Fleet save all ships your not using at the moment to the planet whose moon they're on. If a rip is involved, adjusting speed can give you a few minutes to an hour of round trip time hidden from a predator's eyes. Such a short distance trip costs almost nothing in deut. I often keep my ships in 5-10 minute fleet saves until I find something to hit. This small time frame also keeps them available for opportunity strikes and time to recover and send elsewhere in the event someone attempts to destroy your moon.

If they see your fleet, they will come ...

Re: Some Random Tips and Tricks

="neoshagrath-Building something on a moon then canceling it when you need some deut or when it almost finishes is good way of hiding fuel consumption when staging up ninjas.
I so wish we could get an Exploit label on this already. Come on Admins, this can't be how you designed the game, else it would be available for all players with all browsers and not just the sub-standard back room BJ Linux type ghetto browsers.
The spirit of the times may alter, will alter. We must crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed crporations, which dare already to bid defiance to the laws of our country.