Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

yeah the plan i was hoping u could atleast tell us where the enemy is and we could make a plan on the way there.
everyone into the ships i yell!
columns of soldiers marching steadelly into the ships,heavely armed and ready for combat yes our secret weapon or massive raiding personel
i call some engineers
status rapport i ask?
shields at 100%structural health 100% engines 100% weapones still ofline sir
what! u have 4 hours time to get them online!
i turn to ghost will u follow me into my flaghip please and i walk of to the biggest ship of all

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

'eeeeeeeh is that a problem if i don't know where they are? As you has seen, they like to pop on the moments you don't expect things to happen. I think our first priorety would be to find more allies. Oh, and could you take the ship you gave me in your ships? you never know if i could use it. You have a map or something to know where we could start?
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Dervana hung in space like a blue jewel, dotted with black. A pristine world in the Master's territory, Throk found the black silhouettes of the Empire ships that hung over it offensive. <Do they know?>
<No, they do not. They merely thought we would not notice their presence.>
<What would you have us do?>
<They cannot be allowed to remain. The stealth technology is not immune to sensors equipped to their new warships. Eventually, they will find me.>
<Then they will die, my Master.>
With a curt gesture to his second, a splinter fleet of the Destroyer Hive opened a series of rifts and were drawn in by crackling lines of lightning, that every servitor could hear, not with their ears, but their minds.

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Dervana hung in space like a blue jewel, dotted with black. A pristine world in the Master's territory, Throk found the black silhouettes of the Empire ships that hung over it offensive. <Do they know?>
<No, they do not. They merely thought we would not notice their presence.>
<What would you have us do?>
<They cannot be allowed to remain. The stealth technology is not immune to sensors equipped to their new warships. Eventually, they will find me.>
<Then they will die, my Master.>
With a curt gesture to his second, a splinter fleet of the Destroyer Hive opened a series of rifts and were drawn in by crackling lines of lightning, that every servitor could hear, not with their ears, but their minds.

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Ok, so I have caught up and am ready to continue.

"Sir, scouts report that the energy flux was from the battle, from what though is unknown." said a soldier.
"Very well, now to get back to our plan. How is the assault going?" asked Dunret
"Almost complete. We have penetrated the fortress, we are almost to the artifact." said a soldier.
"Excellent. How is the prototype going Herald" asked Dunret.
"Testing is commencing, sir." said chief engineer Herald.
"Very good. Now, Commander Fernt, Prepare for the "plan". commanded Dunret.
"Very well sir." said Fernt.

The fleet blasted out from the fortress toward the Serena system.

Meanwhile, Alexin had found what he was looking for.
"There it is... the device that can destroy planets... now in my grasp." said Alexin as he took an ancient artifact from it pedastal. He ran back to his ship and blasted toward the fortress.

Stealthy but Powerful