Imperial Galactic Empire Holding Open Recruit

The new alliance- The Imperial Galactic Empire, or IGE - is holding an open recruit.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to join!
And is very welcome!
All applications will be accepted!
No, requirements!

Just follow these simple rules.

-Do not attack other members.
-Stay active*
-Do not insult other members or alliances**
-Do not start a battle we can't win.

Thank you.

*Unless you have a reason or notify a leader in advance
**Possibly causing an unneccesary outbreak of war.
Last edited by Rascal336 on Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Imperial Galactic Alliance open recruit and merging

Anyone is invited to the growing allaince IGE: Imperial Galctic Empire. Do not let the name trick you into thinking we are the bad guys. We do not traitor members, almost never ask for war, and do not insult people. So, Anyone and everyone is wanted in this alliance. So what are you waiting for! Send in an application!

If any other allainces would like to merge into us, please have all members send us their applications. We do not merge into other alliances though.

Thank you, and Happy galaxy conquering!