comettail27[ZEFA] vs. ovidiu [AoD] TD: 119.854.750

Attack Report [x:x:x]

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:119.854.750
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:35.676.600 Crystal:36.236.250

This CR has been sent out as a reminder to all of you, Battleships are fast, i am pretty sure this attack was made while the player was online, because, 15 minutes before, when i was sending a fleet of RIPs i had recieved a message that read, "You know i am online right."

Then, as soon as my fleet returned i sent a fleet of battleships, the attack hit 5 minutes after it was launched. This is a reminder. Remember to fleetsave whenever you get off the computer, wheither its to eat, sleep, or go even go to the bathroom remember, anything can happen within that time.
Leader of Eldrith Pirates