Please make sure you have checked the Players Guide thread first, before asking any questions.


You can attack players up to 5 times more or less points than yourself. If you were attacked by someone, and then couldn't attack them in return, it is likely that the loss of any Ships or defences pushed you back into protection.
Peace through Strength, Strength through Unity


Sadbutrue wrote:its because the strong players fleet save before the ranking update and are then able to attack much weaker people then before.
If you're suggesting that fleets in motion aren't counted in the score (which I don't think is the case, but I dunno), then that is a bug.
I got the rationale of a New York cop
I got the patience of a chopping block


Coolhand wrote:
Sadbutrue wrote:its because the strong players fleet save before the ranking update and are then able to attack much weaker people then before.
If you're suggesting that fleets in motion aren't counted in the score (which I don't think is the case, but I dunno), then that is a bug.

its a fact and its the only way i can explain how some (no names) big guys are able to attack the much smaller guy
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!


Sadbutrue is correct and I'm not a fan of the short-shotting some people are doing because of it. It's considered an exploit of a known issue and purposely bypassing the protection rule.

In short, it's cheating. Some people are going to do it accidentally, but those who do it on a regular basis need to be banned.

If you need to cheat to succeed at this game, you're a lifeless scumbag loser.


This is considered an exploit? There was a thread about this earlier and nobody responded saying it was a no-no


If a fleet is in space at the time of the update, it isn't counted in the score. I like this, it's a way of keeping off bigger players radars, and it's a way of hiding your strength.

There's also another glitch I noticed, I don't know if the attack would have gone through, but I saw this once or twice. During the actual update itself, everyone's score was reset to zero, and nobody was green to me, meaning I might have been able to attack anybody. Normally everyone's still green, but unless I'm delusional, I swear everybody was white to me once or twice during a reset.

P.S. By the way, when is each reset? Like every hour or what?


Maul64 wrote:If you can use the glitch to hide your fleets and not to attack lower ranking players, I'd say it's legitimate strategy, and not cheating.
Yes but the actual act of using the glitch counts as bug exploitation. See rule 2;

2.Bug exploitation
You must not take advantage of any bug found. You have to report bugs immediately to game administration/forums.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...