Re: Galactic, System, Planatary Random Events

Just to be clear, I was not and would never propose that any of these random events actually destroy a resource, building, ship, etc, you have worked towards building...
The spirit of the times may alter, will alter. We must crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed crporations, which dare already to bid defiance to the laws of our country.

Re: Galactic, System, Planatary Random Events

schnitter wrote:when japan tried to invade china a long time ago. they ailed because a hurrican hit thier ships in mid sea.
so why shouldint somthing similiar happen in zorg empire. give me a good reason.
Reason: It's a game. ;)
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Re: Galactic, System, Planatary Random Events

schnitter wrote:or a giant fleet is coming tward you and your fleet is out raiding. you have no ships to take your reasorces seemed doomed....but then....a random event happens and your reasorces are saved.
No, I always have enough LC to bring out my rsources. Any left over resources build into LL, with lvl 6 nanite you can insta build LL. And I never leave any when I log off. Even if someone crash my fleet its not the end, rebuild again with resources from my mines.
To increase the mines production u can use ruby.
So once again it is ZE.