[Evaluation Needed]Galactic, System, Planatary Random Events

Hi All,

Almost every single player 3X or 4X game I have played, granted most of them old school turn based games, have had some sort of Random Event generator for different levels of the game. For example, the Master of Orion series often had a random chance one of your super duper friendly Ambassador type buddies would just go wack and send their fleets to clean your orbit of ships.

I can kick off with a few examples here below, I'd be interested to see what others think would be good for Zorg Empire.

Galactic Area Events:
Ion Storms - Ion Storms break out across the galaxy. Travel to, from, and within this Galaxy is slowed by 25%.
Occurance frequency check: Once every 12.33hrs.
Chance of Occurance: 0.5%
Duration of Occurance: 24hrs

Pulsar Navigational Lock - Scientists have locked on to and synchronized navigational sensors with a number of pulsars throughout the galaxy. Travel to, from, and within this Galaxy is increased by 25%.
Occurance frequency check: Once every 12.33hrs.
Chance of Occurance: 0.5%
Duration of Occurance: 24hrs

System Area Events
Solar Sun Spots - Sun Spots form on the local star signifying an increase in solar activity. Production from Solar Plants and Solar Satellites is increased by 10%
Occurance frequency check: Once every 7 days.
Chance of Occurance: 1.0%
Duration of Occurance: 7 days.

Solar Flare - Coronal emissions form on the local star begin to adversely affect your energy collection. Production from Solar Plants and Solar Satellites is decreased by 10%
Occurance frequency check: Once every 7 days.
Chance of Occurance: 1.0%
Duration of Occurance: 7 days.

Planetary Area Events:
Ore Rush - Surveyors have found rich deposits of metal ores. Metal mine production is increased by 10%.
Occurance frequency check: Once every 24hrs.
Chance of Occurance: 3.0%
Duration of Occurance: 24hrs.

Crystal Rush - Surveyors have found rich deposits of crystals. Crystal mine production is increased by 10%.
Occurance frequency check: Once every 24hrs.
Chance of Occurance: 3.0%
Duration of Occurance: 24hrs.

ZE Mining Disaster – Insufficient government oversight and corporate negligence have resulted in a mining disaster. As a result public outrage slows all mine production by 5%.
Occurance frequency check: Once every 24hrs.
Chance of Occurance: 1.0%
Duration of Occurance: 24hrs.

Try to make them reasonable...We don't want to see anything like - Dirty Diapers - Nobody can attack this planet for 356 days because CENSORED left his dirty diapers out! :D

The spirit of the times may alter, will alter. We must crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed crporations, which dare already to bid defiance to the laws of our country.

Re: Galactic, System, Planatary Random Events

Thatguyeric wrote:I don't like it. I have always preferred having strategy games more cookie cutter. Sorry :oops:
But allow me to ask; what good is a perfect cookie if it does not have any flavour? ;)
The spirit of the times may alter, will alter. We must crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed crporations, which dare already to bid defiance to the laws of our country.

Re: Galactic, System, Planatary Random Events

hes gatta point. but i think the events should be more in a certian solar system. like solar system A has the storm while solar system B has the solar flars. all empires in the solar system A with the storm. the ships are slowed. not the entire universe. so some random effect can turn the tide of a alliance war.