KroniclyChallanged VS Mr_Sloth (RAWK) TD 858M

While since today is the day of backstabing i guess i decided to join MrEvil :lol: the sad part was i didn't relize it till i tried to find were for a trade :o

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:858.284.000
winnings Metal:10.756.667 Crystal:1.459.378 Deuterium:20.053.956
Debris Metal:373.262.250 Crystal:122.094.150

and it did have a really late follow up and took me a 2nd rec run for the dabris but i do beleave i have it all.
GLOTRB MrSloth... ahh wonna trade for some metal to rebuild that fleet :oops:
how i'm still around.... no one knows...

Re: KroniclyChallanged VS Mr_Sloth (RAWK) TD 858M

ah i traded him a long time ago then ended up trying to attack him witch he spent and moved and cut me off of trades for a few months then finely traded with me then i went into V-mode for a couple weeks... then i had this hit... and while i guess i'm perma cut off from trades now lol
Edit: but still a sexy hit for just coming out of V-mode last night :twisted:
how i'm still around.... no one knows...