Re: 3-word story

Story so far:

Once upon a time there was a little guy who knew how to live forever. He was not a Flying Raptor Jesus but he could do a standing on water trick. He could also juggle with twenty purple bowling balls. He dropped one and lost his pinky toe. He ate the toe and contracted HIV and ate pie with mustard and had a lovely mole on big shiny arse. It was always hot in his underwear, so he played some bagpipes. He broke them with a spoon for the win. So much fuss for youtube poops and for elmo becuase they decided to commit suicide with a spoon. He picked up a spoon and stabbed himself. The ambulance could not hit the hobo with the force or the spoon so he decided to get a cow as an idol then drop a heavy tactical nuke on your mama's front porch. So peanut butter and jelly time went to lick a big shiny spoon. But others ate

Might I add that You people have referred to spoons 3 times in this story...
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

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Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder