Re: Kriegstreiberen vs. FOD

wow, this war is absolutely pointless, only a few members out of the 5-MEMBER alliance are out of noob protection.
Whenever my fleet gulps down deuterium, it belches DF


Re: Kriegstreiberen vs. FOD

pwnage wrote:this war is absolutely pointless
As opposed to any other war?
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Kriegstreiberen vs. FOD

This has been a long time coming -- We have waited far too long.
Truly pointless, I agree -- 1/2 are inactive, some have bailed -- 1/2 the time, as an alliance, they do not exist!
Krieg Leader

Re: Kriegstreiberen vs. FOD

Cowman850 (leader of the FOD alliance) must be contacted/notified of your declaration of war. The bashing rule will be lifted in 24 hours following the declaration.

Good luck to both sides.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Kriegstreiberen vs. FOD

Not that it really matters.

In CR report: That might be it .. honestly there is nothing TO HIT, at least as far as TD goes and even that is just defense. 3 of the 5 members were mailed --
Krieg Leader

Re: Kriegstreiberen vs. FOD

I petition that this war be closed. There is no guarantee that I actually mailed the "Alliance Leader".

The one thought to be so at this point "shadowking" has bailed, there has been no participation ( save a sad little 1.6 million TD ), and NO input from FOD either by attack, message or otherwise.

Several of the "War endings" scenarios might come about sooner or later, but anything that requires participation on FOD's part is very unlikely. No further attacks will be launched.
Krieg Leader