Re: Player Protection

absolutely gutted about this new protection, its pointless me even scouting around now as it always says "Error, The Player can not be attacked because of the newbie protection." i can only hit players in the top ten now so my game time has gone down from hours a day to virtually nothing as it doesnt take long to look at 10 guys!!! sorry make that 3 guys as the others are to big or are in my alliance!!!!

having this rule is killing the game and only serves to help the guys that dont play much or cant play well..

Re: Player Protection

Zorg wrote:It is not possible to attack someone higher and him not to retaliate. Perhaps he launched the attack before we enabled the new system.

We modified as Mintaka suggested (limit is removed once both parties are above 10,000 points). We also made it /3 and x3.
It IS absolutely possible to be attacked by a lower ranked player and not be able to retaliate -- exactly as SquirrelonCrack describes.

Here's an example: Player A has 310 points. Player B has 900 points. Player A launches a fleet worth 50 points against one of Player B's planets loaded full of resources and minor defense. Player A takes 21 pts of damage or more. Player B takes 20 pts of defense damage that rebuilds 70% = 6 pts permanent loss. Player A now has 289 points and Player B has 894 points and cannot retaliate.

More extreme examples could be made by juggling when each player had fleets in transit, etc.

Re: Player Protection

oh so you think its better for you to be able to attack guys wiped me out last night and Squirl is 45 times my guys bought rubies and spent them all growing to enormous size thereby snoockering yourselves in the proccess.Do you think if fair to the really small people like me to have to put up with really biog guys like you taking all my resources just because I cant stop you.How would you feel if the situation were reversed,you wouldn't like it either would you.So now You made your bed,now you have to lay in it

Re: Player Protection

thats great news for the noobies, simmers and inactives i suppose.. ;)

but that still only leaves me being able to target the top 25 players, and they are in the top 25 because they have good defence and can keep hold of the resources they've been harvesting from those that havent been defending, none of us have the fleets yet to take on the defences we've built up on our bases and even if we did have enough fleet to get the job done on 1 or 2 guys then who has enough recyclers to collect that much debris..?? lol

there are just not enough players yet to make this work for everybody, it might work a little down the line when a few hundred guys are over the lvl protection ceiling so there wont be this kind of short target list to deal with..

i have a suggestion...

give the new guys 2 or 3 days protection for them to build the things on the "just joined" list and get a good start to they're infrastructure and give them say +300% bonus to they're defensive structures like missile and laser turrets that they keep but will be reduced as they're level raises, 1000 points will take them down to +200%, 2000 points reached will take them down to +100% and at 3000 points they have no bonus at all anymore, it would mean that the new guys that built 1 rocket launchers would get the equivalent of 3 RL and so on witch in itself is enough to stop a couple of small carriers.. ;)

this would mean that the new guys can easily defend themselves against raids as long as they build even the smallest defence, (lets face it they need to build defences to get anywhere at all in this kind of game) while the inactives are farms for everybody as they have nothing built, this would allow everybody a chance to fight and grow as long as they can grasp the basic concept of a SPACE MMORPG and are active...

the protection we have now is to restrictive, we need a lot more guys over the protection level before this type of system will leave us with enough targets to have any fun at all..

Re: Player Protection

Damn, Drakkon. You snivel better than anyone I've seen in a long time. What next? Throw a fit, fall to the floor, and scream in a fetal position?

You realize the ships in this game have names like "Battle" and "Destroyer" and "Death" and "Fighter" and "Bomber"???? Not "Carebear"" and "Bambi" and "Barney". Face it, dude. Some people are not cut out to play a combat game and you're the poster boy for them all.

Learn or die. But quit this constant boo hoofest.

Re: Player Protection

and drakkon,

i never bought rubies at all myself but i do intend to if i decide to keep playing this game, the denotions are what keeps the game going and pays for better servers that dont lag, admin wages and everything else, in this capitalist world there are not many things you can spend hours on every day for the pittance they are asking for this game, supporting the admin by donating is not a thing to be frowned upon, its a good thing and without the guys that donate we wouldnt have this game at all.. ;)

oh and build some defence.. lol ;)

Re: Player Protection

great... looks like we are all going into simmer mode now.

thanks admins!

(if you didn't notice, this post is drowning in sarcasm)

Re: Player Protection

Drakkon wrote:oh so you think its better for you to be able to attack guys wiped me out last night and Squirl is 45 times my guys bought rubies and spent them all growing to enormous size thereby snoockering yourselves in the proccess.Do you think if fair to the really small people like me to have to put up with really biog guys like you taking all my resources just because I cant stop you.How would you feel if the situation were reversed,you wouldn't like it either would you.So now You made your bed,now you have to lay in it
Man this kinds of games need upkeep. They need money to keep it alive. That money comes from the premium users.
Though you can find some free games with annoying ads and crappy servers.
We're just free loaders so stop your whining.

You don't go into a hotel, where they feed you for free; a bed for free, then cry injustice when you see that the paying costumers gets a better pillow.
Seasons end.

Re: Player Protection

We finished the second (and final for now) part of the protection rules.

-Players that have not logged in for more than 48hours lose protection.
-Banned Players do not have protection. (Not even bashing rule for them)

In regard to the second part, in the next few days, we will RE-EVALUATE the x5 and 10k limit. If we find it too much, we will downgrade it to something like 15k and 3x (which seem a more fair tie by the time we now stripped protection for banned players and inactives).

We are still interested of your ideas and your opinion.