Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Throk gestured to a bridge servitor, and replied to Ghost. <Ghost you were aboard a ship that entered a warzone, were boarded by an unidentified ship that attacked our forces, and were found on the second ship. What do you expect our response to be? To greet the occupants of a hostile ship with milk and cookies? We did not destroy your people or your kingdom, and in fact tried to help save them and are at war with your enemies. You would do well to remember these facts. As to 'escape' you have it. We have no interest in joining your feast. When you are calmer, you know how to contact us. We will finish salvaging the debris from the battle and leave. Chel'Nak Shovah.> He turned to Khan Doq Ther, his second in command. "Micromanage the recycler crews as best you can, I want out of here as soon as possible. These fleshlings make me sick. The crews are authorized to fire on any ship attempting to steal the salvage, but do not attempt to board any disabled nonempire ships." Khan nodded and strode to a console as Throk sent an impulse to Severa. <You are no longer to heed any commands by ghost. Reintegrate your splinter with the fleet, and fire any non-Imperial survivors you picked up to the surface by drop pod.> A short flurry of pods left several of the black Servitor collectives, and the Fleet of The Master continued through the debris field harvesting the spoils and salvaging those empire ships that could be recovered.

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

i called a soldier and said "give this ally our finest room provide him with all our finest foods and beverages give him the softest bed our kingdom has to offer"
the soldier bowed and left the room providing everthing i asked

then i called in my surviving generals i want my droids on standby
one of the generals replied "but sir our droids arent ready for use yet they are still prototypes"
well do it anyway i said
my general bowed and said 'as u wish mylord"

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

As the Forces of the Master begin Salvage Operations, A parly destroyed ship "fades away"... Then another and a third. There is a bright flash of light... And a Jump registers on the ships Sensors.

The GARDia leaves behind a few hundred "gifts" among the salvage... Tiny passive recording monitors that attach themselves to ships and salvage alike

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Rapidfire collision detection systems on the Fleet of the Master open fire as the small guided packages glide towards the ships. They ignite with small bursts of light under the lasfire, and Throk Mak Taur frowned on his bridge. Ghost had ordered his new pet to keep tabs on the servitors it seemed, judging by the low frequency pings he was picking up in the wreckage. With an impulse he removed Ghosts ability to communicate with any servitor other than himself from the network, and ordered 5 of the devices to be disabled on recovery, and the rest destroyed. When the salvage was complete, he formed up the fleet and made ready to make the Jump.

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

After I ate and had a good rest, i went outside. It looked like something strange was going on because a few people were pointing at the sky. When I looked up, you could see small burst of light flashing up in the sky. I sended an impuls to Throk
<What are you doing? What are you destroying that makes so much light? And about the other thing. You brought in a 'hostile enemy' with a broken arm, who was like almost dying from the pain and hunger, but you still lock him up instead of giving a first aid. You call that nice? Now back to that appointment with the master. You know that the master know that i can be very usefull in this war. I do have special abilities and who knows what the power of the amulet can do with it. So I think you better don't fly away without me. Also, we could need our new allies. I mean, you didn't talked to him. Go and get social and make some war plans. oh, and could you just wait for a day longer before you fly away? I don't want to miss these guys there feast so i can make sure we can be allies.>
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

<Your pet has deposited several tracking devices in the debris field and attempted to attach them to our ship. I know you control the device with your amulet, so stop your petty whining and explain your own actions for a change. We are at war. We were attacked. We fought back. Finding injured crew was not unexpected. We have since found you to be helpful and until this display I would have said friend and ally. But you now rail against us now that you had gained our trust and have the luxury to do so, complaining about your 'treatment' and how you were a prisoner. Would you not have done the same with a servitor if you had found one in the same situation? You forget that once we realized you were not a crewman of that ship we helped you, tried to save your people, even gave you personal command of a tenth of our fleet. And now you endeavour to betray us. Give me a reason why I should not reward your ingratitude, hypocrisy and treason by glassing that planet.>

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

The Fortress made it to the outpost and had saw no sign of the fleet.
"Sir, scouts have reported that the fleet has fled. Location: Unknown." Said a soldier.
"Very well, then prepare to activ..." said Dunret.
"Sir, a huge energy flux was reported near the minotaur planet. We assume it was from the battle." said a soldier.
"Very well, send scouts from the nearest outpost to investigate. For now, prepare the Jump Gate." replied Dunret.
"As you wish sir." said the soldier.
The huge gate started to glow, then beams shot out from 8 points. Then where the beams met the gate opened. The Fortress went through the gate and appeared on another outpost across the galaxy.

Meanwhile, the assault of there enemy's home planet was almost complete. They had pushed them back to there main structure, the battle fortress.

Meanwhile, Alexin got in his ship and blasted of towards uncharted space, where was assumed to be an ancient civilization with tools of destruction.

Stealthy but Powerful

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

<Ok, to make things clear, i have never ordered him to deposit tracking devices. I didn't even know he was possible to do so. And also, i didn't had any contact anymore since i broke the connection with the amulet while I was flying towards the planet. And back to the prisoner thing. Helpfull and friendly?? You only started being helpfull when you saw how I was usefull. But i think we better stop the subject before you're gonna crash your ships on me. Now, back to the thing you just won't answer. Can I talk to the master, yes or no?>

I searched for a soldier between the crowd and asked him if i could speak the king. I entered the castle and spoke to atler
'Greetings, your majesty. I come to ask for your aid. I need a ship, so i can join my friends again'
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

<We started being helpful when you proved willing to be useful. Id say thats a fairly good indication that a prisoner is not hostile. You may not meet The Master, or currently communicate with Him. Not until we find out more about this machine of yours.> Ghost recieved the mental equivalent of a sigh. <Ghost, if you are truly angry that we treated you as a prisoner, I am sorry you feel that way. But I do not apologise for protecting my men until I knew more. However you can clearly control that thing, and it can act independantly. I need to know what's going on here.>

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

<Throk, do you really think that i know what this thing around my neck is? But even if i would now it, i woudn't explain it. To no one. One of this thing is enough. And sorry i've been so angry. I ain't feeling myself for the moment. I'll try to get myself a ship and try to make new allies against the empire. Will you keep contact, so i know where you are when i need to get back?>
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...