ROG is now recruiting new members

The Alliance that anyone is welcome to join and as leader I am very experienced and will gladly help anyone in the ROG alliance, I hope to help this alliance grow to become another one of the great alliance just as I did with the RWH Alliance which rose to be in the Top 10 in alliance rankings , so if you are interested please feel free to join me in this soon growing alliance. ROG is a fast growing alliance with 19 members,we are looking for new recruits to add to ROGs growing ranks and we are lead by a experienced leader who has lead 135 alliance member total during his time on zorg empire.if you are interested in joining go to the ROG alliancepage then go to the link at the bottom of the alliancepage,click it then submit a application to join,and you will be accepted,or you can post on this topic and you will be contacted by a ROG member that will help you join our alliance, for futher information then message Leader Rishard or Co-leader Cam47
~The End, you cant escape it, there is always a End, but you can try running anyways I'll be there soon~

Re: ROG is now recruiting new members

Well its not a bad thing. *Cough Cough* show some respect *Cough Cough*
Schnitter I have seen many posts of yours but this one your very wrong, don't talk about a alliance you have no clue about, Yes we have many members but I as a player that has played three different times and been in many other great alliances in that time frame I have never be in any alliance of this size that is this social, everyone talks pretty much meaning more learning,teaching, and trades.(< that period means end of subject no ifs, ands, or buts)
We are still accepting members new and strong alike. We are not a alliance for inactives,troublesome players, or beggers.
~The End, you cant escape it, there is always a End, but you can try running anyways I'll be there soon~