Rest Stop for Gale...

I regret to say that I will not be logging in for a bit due to serious health issues irl. I'll be back every so often when I can to check on you all and to hopefully reply to some messages (and so that I don't get deleted from being in v-mode, heheh). Other than that, I can't do much. My deepest apologies if this is an incovinience to anyone, I'm trying to get the problem fixed as quickly as is possible.

Behave while I'm gone ;) .
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Rest Stop for Gale...

Sister, I hope you get better soon, and thank you to all of you here in zorg for your support, as most know Gale and I are brother and sister in real life, she's a lot younger than I am and I don't get a chance to see her very often... but she's suffering pretty bad, thank you for your concerns...
