Shaftoe[VVV] vs vol1[PRS] 198m TD

Let's get straight to the point and then we'll discuss.

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:198.575.150
winnings Metal:2.500.000 Crystal:2.500.000 Deuterium:2.500.000
Debris Metal:78.768.540 Crystal:36.004.050

To answer the obvious question, "why is he posting such a small hit?" The defender makes an excellent case study in what not to do, and as a service to the community, I'd like to use his failure as a lesson to new players. I learned a lot when starting this game by reading old combat reports, I hope to add to or reinforce that knowledge base. Also important to me is to clear the good name of a teammate.

The story begins when vol1, a 4 year veteran of a 1 year old game, gets spied by Atlervetok. Atlervetok has realized that this game is as advertised, a strategy mmo. He uncovered a fleet he could not crash, but would be easy pickings for some of his friends, so he forwarded the info. In return, he gets favorable treatment from the one informed. He originally spoke with both me and myrsee, among others. I was busy elsewhere, but myrsee confirmed the location of his fleet and launched. vol1 wisely dodged that hit, and then fleet saved and cleaned out his pants.

The problem is in his method of fleet saving. Personally, if I were as small a fish as vol1, I would have moved the fleet as soon as it was discovered by atlervetok. But he can possibly be forgiven for not being that diligent. Perhaps he was in a good place and wanted to continue hunting in the area. However, once myrsee found the fleet, there should have been no doubt that the hunt was on. He should have immediately jumped the fleet to another location, and then if he was fleet saving, he definitely should have done it from a moon to an inactive or allied moon.

Instead, he was lazy, and assumed myrsee would not try again to get his fleet. After vol1 had been inactive for a sufficient amount of time, myrsee launched a moon pop mission, and also launched a delayed RIP raid to ensure that going into vm would not save vol's fleet if it was on a 24 hour or less fleet save. At this time myrsee realized he wouldn't be online to phalanx the planet by the time the moon was popped, so he let me know what was going on.

I waited for another hour, and once the moon disappeared, I phalanxed the planet. To my surprise, I found a fleet of 1k BS, 100 BC, 5 RIPs, and more than 13k support ships. All this on a planet with practically no defense. The only thing now was to wait the six hours for his fleet to return.

Now for my mistake. I should have known that with 10k SC, 1k LC, and 2k Recyclers, there was likely to be a decent amount of resources being carried. Since there was essentially no planetary defenses, I should have timed follow-up hits directly behind the main strike to pick up the majority. Instead, it took 15 or so minutes for me to get my LC there after the hit. But vol1 made a strategic mistake again. Instead of just taking it like a man, and thanking his luck that I had failed to follow through, he instead mailed me that I wouldn't be able to get all the resources. Never a man to turn down a challenge, I launched an attack on every planet in the system in order to try to get as much as possible, and wreck a little havoc while I awaited the return of my recyclers. I ended up smashing another 200 or so LC and picking up enough fuel to pay for the whole ordeal.

So to recap:

When you're fleet is uncovered, and it is time for you to fleet save-
1) Move your fleet to a new system.
2) Be sure to do the strongest fleet save possible, which is from a moon to another moon. You are more likely now then ever to have your moons popped.

When you are attacking an easy target with lots of SC and LC-
Either attack with BS and eat the fuel cost, or if planetary defenses are light, launch follow up hits of LC and BC to pick up the expected loot rather than launching after the assault wave clears.

GLOTR vol1, I look forward to recycling your fleet again.

Re: Shaftoe[VVV] vs vol1[PRS] 198m TD

I figured there was more loot to be had with that mission. Sorry for not relaying that info Shaftoe. Playing Madden 10 almost lost this opportunity for anyone. But I pulled myself away from the X-box just in time to launch the moon destroy before I had to go. Knowing that Shaftoe was online and in the same area, I sent my knowledge down the information highway. Sweet hit Shaftoe, thanks Atler, and GLOTR Vol1!

P.S. I told you that this would make a good story Shaftoe :D . Gotta keep the fans entertained
[Showing no mercy!

Re: Shaftoe[VVV] vs vol1[PRS] 198m TD

I was looking for something to read well may a bit of amusing in taste, well shaftoe did not really disappointed me there. Its nice to see that a very well established attack can have a nice story behind it.

Its the team work that paid off. Congratulations to all involved party, and nice work all in all. GLoTr Vol1. Seems like your case is an example that we noobs will not forget soon.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.