Food for your thought

I think I have Figured out how VVV is Top 5 players in this game after playing --- for 4 yrs lost my Fleet once in that time here I made a Trade with Shandris from a moon that has had little or no Foreign activity just after this on a safe Fleetsave my Moon is taken out by myrsee and 20+ minutes out shaftoe takes out my fleet on the return this is highly unlikely a luckshot i guess thats why most of the players in this Game no longer play

Re: Food for your thought

hmm seems like there is a lot left out of this story...BUT you must not have read my hit on Flash357..i'm sure that story line falls COMPLETELY under you topic heading ...couldn't have asked for a better topic line to fit that story.. ... 34&start=0

please refer to the rotating menu and select option 3

Guess it wasn't hard to figure out after all..but as i said the whole story wasn't posted here so the whole thing is actually academic