Ghost- (Zefa) vs fenomenii (FLA) 28.560.100 TD

well not much to say really i was a miner for 8 month and been planning to become a fleeter so i been abandoning 10 colony and recolonize throughtout the galaxy, this took about 2-3 month. After saw Pkromm starting an academy teaching player the way of fleeting and so i left my AoD alliance and hopefully get accepted by Zefa. First day learn alot 2nd day raid raid raid. Check the cir msg and saw pk posted a small fleet for those who were close enough to hit it, so i took this chance and aim for that fleet. i ask pk to probe him and i just launch, and by the last 5 minut i got really excited cuz it was my first hit on a active player and this would be my first post on UoH. bobrox200 told me not to get to excited to early but i just cant help it since it was my first bit the last 3 minute i probe and the fleet was still there. staring at the time ticking doing the countdown and there yah go the attck went threw. So happy, many more to come and hopefully each will be greater then the last.

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:28.560.100
winnings Metal:62 Crystal:193.499 Deuterium:250.545
Debris Metal:11.411.160 Crystal:5.679.900

Glotr fenomenii

Re: Ghost- (Zefa) vs fenomenii (FLA) 28.560.100 TD

There is nothing like that 1st kill..or 2nd..or 1000th..

So many do not understand its a war game.War requires smarts,planning,research,research,and research.Time is spent to build a fleet..of any size..and you log in and see it gone.Instinct is to blame the person who hit you but reality of it is not the attackers fault but your own for not taking care of it.Quitting is easy anyone can do that...your 89 year old grandmother can do that...the hard is suppose to make it great..revenge is a dish best served cold..and with that i hope fenomenii works hard to come back to beat your @ss Ghost..

For now you get the Gratz and a job well done..(and a your welcome for not taking you out the other night ;) )

get em fenomenii get em!!