Alright, two can play at this game.acewoonder wrote: First off, its called "Death Stars". Secondly, don't you think a million of them is a tad over-exagerating?
First, "its" should have an apostrophe between the "t" and the "s", indicating the "it is". Seeing as there are more than one Death Star, it is improper to refer to them as "it", for there are many and should be addressed as "they". And "over-exagerating", besides the fact that "exagerating" is spelled incorrectly, it's not used properly. Because it's a verb, being that it's something you do, you should consider using the alternate form "exaggerated". If you used over-exaggerating in the manner of, "You're over-exaggerating", then you would be grammatically correct. Or if you changed the sentence structure to, "Secondly, don't you think a million of them is over-exaggerating a tad?", then it would fine.
This is the internet, people don't have to possess refined grammar and spelling abilities. In fact, I'm certain a large majority of the community do not speak English as their native, and first, language. So to go around and make yourself look like some English teacher, or a "Grammar Nazi" straight out of high school, you might make yourself look like a dick. Especially when you have errors within your own writing...