Re: CoFH vs AoD

This is almost biggest TD in a war ever. Dacia vs Azguard was about 8 bil (no one added last few CRs but they were big so this number could be off.)

Re: CoFH vs AoD


No I'm not reffering to you, you only gunned down one of my fleets, AND I'm not saying Shaftoe was a merc at all, I just mentioned his attack, the one who did me in was Shandris, who IS a merc for AOD. Not excusing my acrtions for real-life troubles, but seriously... bad time for a war when I've had so much going on.

Adassa... I would never go into V-mode during a war that I'm a part of, my dog was attacked by a pitbull and there's a HUGE court case involved, I just have too much going on in the real world, bad-timing but sometimes things happen.

Re: CoFH vs AoD

Kabal wrote:my dog was attacked by a pitbull and there's a HUGE court case involved, I just have too much going on in the real world, bad-timing but sometimes things happen.
Poor Charlie :cry: .
Kabal wrote:the one who did me in was Shandris, who IS a merc for AOD.
Yikes, that was a lot of ships :shock: .
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Re: CoFH vs AoD


From the beginning this war was quite strange and interesting to be followed. So, after several days of “intense” fights this war creates a funny image on my mind:

CoFH looks like a pack of dogs (various sizes from Pitbull and Doberman to Takel, puppies included) barking and biting a big herd of bulls, cows and calves - AOD. Around them, a bunch of cowboys with big wipes and lashes enjoy the show hitting in the mess. So, we see a lot of blood lost (TD) in the arena, of course mostly from the cows herd and some crippled animals. It can be seen that any bite and hit in the cows herd create a huge amount of “blood” visible to everyone while from the dog pack it can be hear mainly the screaming and see a crippled dog going in a corner to lick its wounds.

Still it can be observed that despite of huge amount of damage taken by the cows herd they are not suffering too much due to highly amount of resources produced daily and the higher rate of losses recover (A lot of damage recorded was on the defense that actual represent only 30-40% from the recorded figures).

So, AOD has no chance to win the war (by TD calculations) simply because CoFH not offer enough suitable size targets to match the AOD looses.

On the other side, CoFH has no chance to win the war simple because is impossible to completely destroy even one big bull from AOD.

Till now only the outside cowboys enjoy the game due to the hits given.

Also some fresh noobs are happy due to the fact that big players not pay any attention to them.

We can conclude that in the future the war will extinguish because everybody will tired and bored to make stupid attacks only to destroy some defense.

Without ACS attack is no way to stop the players to become bored and to stay more in v-mode.

Please consider my remarks only as a manifest for game change -even a different damage report with real looses will be interesting