This took some time but also wanted to see all the numbers myself. (this due to the new defence topic that was being talked about in game suggestions)
All cost values are in METAL. (crystal=1.5METAL, Deut=3METAL).
RL--------------2.500---------2.500------------20-------------80------200RF from RIP
LL--------------1.275---------1.000------------25------------100------200RF from RIP
HL--------------7.550---------6.500----------100------------250------100RF from RIP
IONS-----------10.000--------7.500----------500------------150------100RF from RIP
GAUS----------45.000-------30.000----------200---------1.100------50RF from RIP
PC------------200.000------100.000---------300---------3.000--------0RF from RIP
RIP-----------13,25mil-------7,5mil------50.000------200.000--------0RF from RIP
Compared to PC:
-----------------------Cost ratio---------------struct--------------------shield-----------------attack
RL-----------------------90x--------------------225.000-----------------1.800-----------------7.200-------200RF from RIP
LL-----------------------156,9x----------------156.900-----------------3.923-----------------15.690------200RF from RIP
HL-----------------------26,5x-----------------172.250-----------------2.650-----------------6.625-------100RF from RIP
IONS--------------------20x--------------------150.000----------------10.000-----------------3.000-------100RF from RIP
GAUS-------------------4,4x-------------------132.000-------------------880-----------------4.840---------50RF from RIP
PC----------------------1-----------------------100.000-------------------300-----------------3.000----------0RF from RIP
Funny, ions do the same amount of dmg as PC at same costs big with much better shield and struct.
Compared to 1.000 RIPS
5.000.000m +2.500.000c +1.500.000d = 13.250.000m (* 1000 = 13,250bil!)
-------------------Cost ratio-------------------struct--------------------shield------------------attack
RL-----------------5.300.000x---------------- from RIP
LL----------------10.392.159x----------------10.392.159.000---------259.803.975------ from RIP
HL-----------------1.754.966x----------------11.407.279.000---------175.496.600--------438.741.500---------100RF from RIP
IONS---------------1.325.000x-----------------9.937.500.000---------662.500.000--------198.750.000---------100RF from RIP
GAUS----------------294.444x-----------------8.833.320.000-----------58.888.800--------323.888.400---------50RF from RIP
PC---------------------66.250x-----------------6.625.000.000-----------19.875.000--------198.750.000---------0RF from RIP
RIP----------------------1.000x-----------------7.500.000.000-----------50.000.000--------200.000.000---------0RF from RIP
Yes people you can build 10.4mil LL for the price of 1k Rips ......
just enjoy entering 1000 in the build que for 10.392 times ..... LOL!
I would like to know of some things here.
* Is is true damage is just added up? (like the LL get 16.070 dmg compared to 3k of 1 PC).
If so it seems the bigger defences cause less dmg ect.... only advantage is the less RF...
* Same for shielding is this just a simple + + + calculation.
* Also does shielding apply to all ships+defences and stuff? (like 1 big number shield = ...).
I always found it strange when you send 1LC and 1k BS the LC suddently is shielded by so much shielding points.
If thats how it works. (Not very realistic huh )
SIMS (all tech levels 17):
1000RIPS(13,250bil cost) vs (13,250bil cost defences):
RL----------5.300.000x-----------= 380-600Rips remain old engine: mostly DK (very small chance RL wins with 1.5mil RL remain).
LL----------10.392.159x----------= LL flawless wins (sometime loose 1mil LL)
HL----------1.754.966x-----------= 50/50 on who winsold engine: DK, 1.1mil HL, HL flawless, 280k HL, (random but rips never win)
IONS--------1.325.000x-----------= IONS always flawless win (always takes 3 rounds or more)
GAUS---------294.444x-----------= +/-600rips old engine:DK,DK,DK,DK,190rips,DK,198rips, DK,90rips,DK,DK,131Rips
PC--------------66.250x-----------= +/-550rips old engine: 447Rips,410rips,158rips,349rips,624rips,358rips,545rips
RIP---------------1.000x-----------= due to randoms usally 1 wins with 100..300rips remaining.
DK=double knockout
Flawless DEFENCE vs 1000RIPS (13.250bil Metal cost):
RL----------14.000.000x--------= Metal
LL----------10.300.000x--------= 13.132.500.000 Metal (very small chance to loose 1mil LL seen only once.....)
HL-----------2.600.000x--------= 19.530.000.000 Metal
IONS-----------625.000x--------= Metal : will take many rounds,0 loss ions, all rips go down
GAUS-------1.200.000x---------= Metal
PC------------800.000x----------= Metal
RIP-------------4500x------------= 59.625.000.000 Metal
I do like to add here that the LL will produce more dmg output in cost to a point where you have enough ions, so the LL work better in the scare tactics at lower cost.
only 3bil in construction costs vs 1.000 rips:
300.000 ions : ions will only kill 0...10 rips.
2.352.941LL : will destroy 200 to 300 rips.
so the ions will only start to be better somewhere after 500.000 of them
this means as long as you cannot affort to build say 600k ions quickly its better to start out with a few million LL.
Don't really get RF sometimes its 18vs LL and all LL go down other times RF is 187 and all LL survive.......
When I get more time I'll add some mix defences costs, but don't think it will get better than the ions.
However getting that much cystal will be an issue
Defence structures statistics vs RIPS.
Last edited by dexternl on Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:47 am, edited 7 times in total.
In the zorg universe, if you go to sleep expect to smell napalm in the morning.