Re: New Ship: Zorg Cargo Ship

AmeOkami do know that editing Slash's original post and naming a ship after the game is really arrogant, right?
Zorg can do whatever they want to do. I actually like the name. I beleieve that your post falls under mod baiting.

Where's slash when you need him?
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: New Ship: Zorg Cargo Ship

Zorg Cargo Ship
Cargo Capacity: 10,000,000 units
Base Speed: 10,000
Fuel: 150

Fuel consumption moving 10.000.000 (theoretically at 10.000 (to compare) with other ships):
Zorg Cargo Ship 150 deut
Small Cargo 2000 ships * 40 fuel = 80.000 deut
Large Cargo 500 ships * 66,6 fuel = 33.333 deut
(66,6 = (50/7500)*10000) since LC is slower.
using RIPS 10 ships * 100 fuel = 1000 deut

I have to say fuel costs of this ship would be insanely low compared to cargo space.
Making fleetsaving insanely cheaper. and the 150 is not even at 10% speed.... so its very low.

However like thatguyeric said since it costs deuterium in construction it should be cheaper that the LC's just like the BC is cheaper in moving than the BS's.

but a cost of 150 would make it 222x cheaper to fleetsave resources than with LC's.
it would even be 6,6x cheaper than with rips (wich are already ridiculous cheap).

I would say:
Basespeed 5.000 yes, i would like to have it slower then the LC, SC else the other cargo's become obsolete, except for everyday resource moving from all the planets.
Deuterium : 2.000....10.000 I think anything below 2000 is ridiculous

But I still think no matter how you finnally make this ship, it will make raiders much stronger. thats why i don't like the 10.000 speed.
But hey I'm a raider :twisted:, so if it does become cheap and fast expect to see it in my attacking fleets.
In the zorg universe, if you go to sleep expect to smell napalm in the morning.