Re: Future of Zorg

Bobrox2000 wrote:Why do i see tons of posts saying that the top players need to be hindered? They are playing the game with the same capability as anyone can. They have done nothing wrong!!! In fact they did alot of right, that is why they are on top. People need to WORK to get up to the top. People just want to take the easy way out. "Lets stop attacks all together" or "Its not fair for the weaker players". These statements are just bogus. First of all, we dont attack everything we see on sight. I for one have passed a couple of smaller fleets to LET THE PLAYERS GROW. And second, most of the other fleeters out of VVV would hit the same targets we would. We just get to them first. Im betting that it would take 5 or 6 players outside of VVV to add up their playing time to amount to one VVV member. It takes TIME and EFFORTto amount to anything, NOT being lazy and asking for the mods to lower the higher players to their level.
I'm sorry if you've been getting the wrong idea, but I don't think anyone is asking for something to be given to them. I think everyone here understands that you need to put forth effort to get anything back, that isn't what is being discussed. We're discussing how even with time and effort, game mechanics DO limit the growth of new players. I can play 20 hours a day, FS perfectly, and never let my guard down and I can still be crashed due simply to the current game mechanics and point distributions. So, the age-old "Time+Effort=Victory" equation has essentially been rendered obsolete. Time and effort no longer give you victory, no matter how much you put forth. If I suddenly revealed I had 6 million Fleet points, I still wouldn't be able to survive, simply because the game, at this moment, drastically hinders any new up and comers. Used to, FSing properly ensured your longevity as a fleeter. Now, it just makes someone work slightly more, because they have to bother with sending a Destroy mission. Right now there is about a .5k moon size that is "safe" from moon popping. As the game progresses, the "safe" moon size will slowly dwindle until the only safe moon is a solid 10k moon, which is pretty rare to get, at best.

I'm asking more for a re-thinking of the moon destruction system than anything else, because I believe with a "safe" moon, the large point gaps will fix themselves.

Re: Future of Zorg

I am gonna have to agree with shandris here, you are safe as long as you arte not predictable. Don't fleetsave to your own moon, that'd be obvious. Fleetsave to a friend with a small fleet or an ( i ), so the moon won't be popped. Or, just keep moonshotting until you get an upper 9k moon. After all that said, I do think that RIPs should have a chance of being destroyed, even in 100% chance to pop situations, so people dont just pop every moon they see.

Re: Future of Zorg

First of all, I do not intend offense or insult to anyone, just stating what I think, and that follows in every post I make

Second, I have the utmost respect for VVV and all its members. When DJ and I were in Runes together, I had more points than him, and look where he is now compared to me, and it wasn't all when he was in VVV, either. He's a good player that deserves his points, as are/do the rest of VVV. I will more than likely never make it into the top 10, or anywhere close. I simply don't have the time to put into this game, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

However, I agree that the moon popping system should be changed to add a little risk to a destroy mission, and add a little more adrenaline for hunting down fleets. The idea of a max percent would be good (however, it should be higher than 18%, perhaps around 40%? Just a thought), and so is the idea of always risking losing the RIPs you sent. If either of those improvements were to be chosen, I would rather have the latter. Sure, gumppy can pop my moon, 100% chance, I can't escape it. But he will lose the RIPs he sent (maybe). And even for gumppy, rebuilding that many RIPs when popping a moon would get to be a hassle, therefore only doing it when necessary. That's just my two cents.

Lastly, I'll agree with TGE and Shandris, saying that fleet saving unpredictably (but still smartly) is the best way to keep your fleet safe.

Admittedly, I still don't believe that VVV will be dethroned anytime soon, but all great empires fall eventually. Meanwhile, I'll be at my planets, mining, growing slowly but steadily, and waiting.

OR all VVV members could donate their fleet to me, as that would solve everyone's problem :D (that was sarcasm, btw)
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Future of Zorg

There could be several things that could be done to balance the game a bit more and keep players interactive.

Super moons for purchase are a good idea, namely for the fact if you as a player kept buying moons and some just comes along and pops them would you be pleased? it would eventually put people off the game - It is a drain on REAL resources.
Purchase of super moons may increase long term income and players who do spend rubies would stay longer.

Hindering or penalizing the top players is not really fair, lets be honest if you have been attacked by the top players it is because it was a valuable trade off, these guys deal in 10s-100s millions not thousands or the odd mill us lower ranked players do.
You have to think ahead on this - when you get to the top rankings (game changes or not) and the lower ranked players start condemning you and wanting to hinder your game play how would you take it?

The other suggestion is that there are changes to the tier structure, currently there is the learning stage (0-10K). Why not add 2 more stages 10k-200k and 200k+ this would mean you have from 10k-200k to further build your self up before you can be a target for the big boys. It also means that when you get over 200k should you end up engaged with the top players they can only knock you back so far (safety net) - battle for the fittest - this could also mean better wars between alliances as all alliance members engaged would be on a level par.

0-10k xp - beginners
10k-200k xp intermediate
200k+ xp Pro/Experienced

i accept Ive only been here 3 weeks now but i don't think they should be dismissed as the innocent sayings of a noob. :)


Thank you for using nocturnalK demolition,Hope you have a nice day :)
N.B All proceeds to the nocturnalK empire fund are non-refundable

Re: Future of Zorg

Yep i can agree with that, the numbers can change to what ever would be decided best - That primarily is an example.

The figures would have to take into account player amount per group otherwise the top players would have no one but each other to target............ :roll:

But it would enable players to also play with in there own comfort zones - People play this game very various reasons. If Zorg wishes to remain a long standing game it has to take into account its whole consumer market. the biggest risk for a game like this is not increasing its long term players and then just falling in to 'one of those games i tried'.

Me personally i have to say i am not really fussed, the current set up suites my style of play :) and i love it!!!

But I am only 1 player and player type as we all are.
Though we may all have our own thoughts on where Zorg should go we should all make sure we look at it from a 3rd person perspective.

Last edited by nocturnalknight on Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thank you for using nocturnalK demolition,Hope you have a nice day :)
N.B All proceeds to the nocturnalK empire fund are non-refundable

Re: Future of Zorg

Right now we're hopefully looking at many positive changes starting at the end of February. Keep a look-out ;) .
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Future of Zorg

How bout something like the first time you get crashed, you get protection for 2 days, and your fleet regenerates. That way, it is a wake-up call to FS, and nubs dont lose anything. After the first time, it isn't the games fault, it's your own.

anyone like this? If I get a yes, I will post in game suggestions.

Re: Future of Zorg

Gale wrote:Right now we're hopefully looking at many positive changes starting at the end of February. Keep a look-out ;) .
Now that's the best thing I've read in awhile!

Lot of good ideas here, hopefully some of it can be incorporated into a list of suggestions to place in another post. Anyone want to do that? Everyone needs a reason to play. Both the new players and the top vets need something to look forward to. Stifle either one and they leave. Balance is the key, no easy task for sure.

Some how this turned into a bit of a VVV bash and that certainly wasn't the intention. I have no problem with anyone or any group using the mechanics of the game to succeed. My point was that sometimes the mechanics need to be adjusted to keep the game going. While it is a game to conquer the universe, if that does happen, then what? A reset would be the next move and I think most of us would rather find a way to keep it going verses that.

Re: Future of Zorg

I agree with you, Eric. Or to some extent, at least. Hey, guys, at least now we have an anti-deathstar ship on the way... So now there will be less to worry about...
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

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