Re: Future of Zorg

there is all of that as well..

we could go with option C and just totally remove the attack feature forever for fear of my neighbor taking my fleet..

it get what eOs and Alpha are saying i really do but this is not something that could not have been done from the start of the game..

perhaps you have heard me bring this expression up before..but lets toss it out there again...for ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction...and my all time favorite..everytime game developers try to bring balance from top to bottom it only makes the top stronger..without fail every time this will happen.

so far RF and making RiPS stronger has not had the desired effects the general public was hoping for..

so lets say for the sake of argument Av's idea was put into place right now..and it stopped us from getting fleets...and all of a sudden there was no more CR's...what would be the point in ANYONE making ships at all then...there would be no fleets to way to get at them because their moons could not be build this massive fleet and get frustrated because something you wanted in place today is keeping you from making a kill yourself.

nothing was stopping me other then myself at the time before SoCing(the new name for moon destruction missions in honor of the man that started the revolution)from making RiPS instead of the 502,000 battleships i have...lets pause as we look at that # and shake our heads a minute..imagine how many more i would have instead of the 915 i currently have..and you really don't want to know what the new goal for that ending number will be..

will not argue your complaints are not legit and concerns real..but run with it for what it is now..and look beyond your nose to see what such actions will have...there is already SiM CITY games...


Zorg Empire is a strategy space mmorpg. In Zorg Empire, Player starts as an Emperor. Players build up planets, research new technologies and create fleets trying to become the ruler of the universe.

Re: Future of Zorg

ZE has a lot of skilled and aggressive players. IMO the best of ZE can pawn top players of uhm... nevermind.
Our slogan "Compete with the best, perish like the rest." totally makes sense.
If you are not up for the challenge then it is your choice...
Seasons end.

Re: Future of Zorg

lol rips thay no example they dont use duet and are prob the only thing that can be built up secretly and defensive structures on the moon lol what is it umm like 160 plasmas needed per one attacking rip yeah thats viable rips and moon defence were going from weak to cripple here and the only strategy left in zorg is join vvv or lose your fleet when they decide its big enough .and no acs attack has had an impact because those with the biggest fleets in there aliance never had to fs because no one can touch them .

1 Warning for Flaming. ~Weresloth

Re: Future of Zorg

why wouldn't rips be an example...why build anything else at this point..currently i have a phalanx in progress that has been going on since last night...sent RiPS at the front side ..he got on and was forced to recall..unfortunately for him i totally toke away the recall and vanish into VM option as i also did a 10% launch to the rear end until i seen when the new return time would while the other rips are returning the final blow is in progress with no way cost for this so far 468 deut for what will be 92 MIL whatever is buried in his cargo holds.

The game has moved in a different direction for sure..adapt or die is the key..i myself will adapt so you can say what you want and poke fun at my advice all you want but fact of the matter is...

your down there and i'm up here...come dethrone me ;)

Re: Future of Zorg

Sorry, don't have a lot of time so I just skimmed through the posts :P

And I mean no disrespect by this gumppy, but when you were reset, there wasn't a player with 15 million points and the top 7 fleeters weren't all in the same alliance. Just something to consider. I agree that we shouldn't dumb down the game so that anyone can be the top rank. You DID overcome obstacles, and you DID fight to the top. That's all well and good, but the fact remains that moon popping seems to have just become a daily activity and not a risky tactic that could A)Reveal some nice fleet or B)Destroy your ships. It's just turned into option A). You just gave very good numbers of your fleet-size, so how long until you've got enough RIPs to pop all but the largest moons (Which aren't really easy to get...) with a 100% chance? Sure, you may or may not use the option much, but that doesn't mean no one else will. Even people that aren't in the top 10 can amass quite a large RIP fleet. I can make ~100 RIPs a month with nothing but my low-level mines. And considering RF seems to love RIPs, why build anything else? Nothing beats RIPs except RIPs. So, factor in how easy it is to pop moons and you've just made, once again, the same situation we had 6 months ago, except now moons don't help unless you're one of the few with a 9.9k+ moon.

You've got to account for the growth of the average points per player. As that goes up, the current moon destruction equation becomes obsolete and unbalanced. As the game grows (Well, points grow, at least) I think certain calculations should be changed in accordance to that. What happens when it becomes normal for every player to have 1k RIPs and gumppy, or whoever the #1 is at the time, has 10k (10k RIPs, according to the calculator, gives a 100% chance for a 9.8k moon)? Everyone knows the importance of a moon. You NEED a moon, preferably one that cannot, or is very difficult, to pop. As it stands now, no one is safe except for the top 6 players or so, and anyone lucky enough to have a 9.5k+ moon. Sorry, but it seems very unbalanced to me.

Re: Future of Zorg

so lets say for the sake of argument Av's idea was put into place right now..and it stopped us from getting fleets...and all of a sudden there was no more CR's...what would be the point in ANYONE making ships at all then...there would be no fleets to way to get at them because their moons could not be build this massive fleet and get frustrated because something you wanted in place today is keeping you from making a kill yourself.
On one hand you say if we play as we should, we have nothing to fear, but on the other you want a sure way to trap fleets, even those FSing moon to moon. As I said, I'm content to play cat and mouse with bigger fleets AND if I mess up, as I do once in awhile, (Kilzac can confirm that) my fleet gets munched. That's ok, that's my mistake. But if I do everything right and my fleet can still be uncovered, that's not ok with me. It comes down to my personal choice on what are acceptable conditions to continue playing.

I don't begrudge anyone for using the means available at the moment, and I applaud those at the top for the work it took to get there. It's been no small effort just to get where I am. I don't accuse anyone of abusing their power, just commenting on the shift in balance. We hammer people constantly on how to fleet save and not to build up a fleet until they have moons and the deut to fleetsave everytime. That is rendered irrelevant when moons can be popped as easily as they can now. At 18% chance, it takes an average of 260 battleships to get a moon of any size. I have 6, only one is above 9K. Using that as an average, (may or may not be accurate), it would take 1500+ battleships to get 1 9K moon or 1800 rubies. Neither of those is cheap, prohibitve for most players. And that's just one moon.

The earlier suggestion that there be a random loss of the attacking fleet seems more reasonable than my first idea. (First ideas always fail). And the idea to ruby up the size of a moon also sounds good. To me that's the point of this, to toss out some ideas and get some discussion going. I'm not a big forums poster, I prefer to read, but I respect everyone's opinion.

Re: Future of Zorg

I'm actually going to agree with Gump on this one. While I think that some sort of loss from moon destruction missions makes sense, I don't think that there's really anything wrong with the way things are.

There is no way to guarantee that your fleet is safe, frankly I think it should be that way. There are ways to reduce that risk which are pretty well known. If, in my practice of these methods, something goes wrong and I get hit then it's just better play by someone else and I have something to aim for.

Re: Future of Zorg

robertlee wrote:There is no way to guarantee that your fleet is safe, frankly I think it should be that way.
While I'm mixed in my actual views on what I'm about to bring up, I'll say it anyway just for argument's sake.

There is a way to guarantee that your fleet is safe. And it's by being in the top 5 (Give or take). Sure, they ARE the top 5, but that doesn't mean it should be easier for them, just because they are that high up. How does giving the top player(s) an advantage help anything? That's like taking money from the homeless and giving it to the rich. It makes no sense from a rational perspective. The top 5, due to the huge gap in points (And, I really hate to keep bashing you guys like this, but I think it's worth mentioning, still) and the fact that it is one alliance, have nothing to worry about unless they FS from a 5k moon or something irrational as that. The fact is, the game rewards points with even more points and less worries, which to me, makes about as much sense as a 3-headed donkey playing a banjo. A top player shouldn't suddenly have an "easy-mode," no matter how high they are ranked. This goes back to ACS Attack, but I think it also pertains to moons. The fact that moons can be popped with 100% success on a regular basis just rewards those that can afford to pump out five to six hundred RIPs and completely ruins those that cannot. Honestly, aside from the 10k protection, how much chance does a new player have to survive? Even if he FS correctly every night, he can't stop 300 RIPs coming to his moon. Hell, I can't stop 300 RIPs and I've been here longer than most, I'm sure. Even if I started pumping out nothing but RIPs every day, FS'd perfectly, and never made a mistake, I still run a very high risk of getting crashed. So, those that play the game perfectly can still be crashed just as easily as those that just leave everything sitting around? How does that seem fair to anyone? Used to, playing perfectly meant you were rewarded, i.e Gumppy post-reset. Now, playing perfectly just means you might get by for a bit.

Like Avon said, if I make a mistake, that's find and dandy. Take the fleet. But when you DON'T make a mistake and you still get crashed without anyway to stop it? Sorry, but that just doesn't make sense.

I understand being ranked high should come with its perks, but as said by many people before, the number beside the name shouldn't make a difference. Yet it does.

Just to clarify, I'm not trying to start a VVV bash here. I'm just using you guys(gals) as an example of what I'm talking about. VVV isn't doing anything wrong, the game mechanics are. I'd hate to see this get closed because of misinterpretation.