Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

(kingdom desrephia that how its called)

a soldier runs to the castle,passes alongside all the other soldiers who are preparing defences
he runs through the city the citezens are watching him,sweat runs of his body while he runs as fast as he can
at the entrance of the castle he is searched and asked for pasword he gives the pasword and runs as fast as he can direction throne room
he pushes open the big wooden doors and runs to the throne were there is a minotaur and some kind of humanoid sitting
he bows deeply "forgive me my king for busting in here so rapidly and brutefully"
"rise and tell me the reason why u do this"
"our scouts have located an elven fleet of the other elven trbe it seems it all are survivors and cause its an civillian fleet"
is that all u know the procedure for that "yes my king i do,but..."
but what!!!
our other scout have found a fleet of humanoids its not cleaar yet if its hostile
what!! another fleet send out some of our elven comarades there best armed ships + some of our bull battleships
the soldier bows deeply and runs of.
sorry atler what is the procedure for found civillian elven ships of other tribes asked eric
its very simple the ships that found them will escort them here were they get refuge

my scout who detected alexins fleet started scanning the weapons and armour of his fleet and took of
while a few seconds later my quickly gatherd ships confront alexins ships
the commander of the fleet i sended gave two orders
prepare weapons and raise the shields
alexins fleet noticed that and did the same
then a com screen opend

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

It showed a human standing there.

"Hello residents of desrephia."
"What do you want?"
"We found one of your scout ships near our premises and we wanted to contact you. It seems that this minotaur was shot to death. And there is a strange mark on him. We suspected you wanted to look at it."

"Sir, We are in the system of Canir."
"Ok, bring us into orbit around the planet."
"Yes, sir."

"Alexin where are you?" Hentaga thought to himself.
"Sir... Energy signal picked up."
"Of who?"
"Head towards it."
"Yes, sir"
Hentaga's ship headed toward the energy signal.

Stealthy but Powerful

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

[No worries, can you send me a pm to summarise it? Yours wasnt too bad, but alexin seems to have lots of different things going on, and I only understand one! @Atler youre intercepting ghost's people and scanning alexin's lot right? @AlexinWho's in the Canir system? Whats this energy signal? Didnt you kill Hentaga?]

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

[No I didn't kill Hentaga. I ran away after the explosion. The battle fortress fleet is around the enemy's home planet. The other stuff doesn't matter. Sorry for the confusion. Oh, the energy signal for the fortress was the dead ship and for Hentaga was the fortress. Hentaga doesn't know what it is though. So again, Sorry for the confusion.]

Stealthy but Powerful

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

[Ah ok that makes a lot more sense. If youre swapping areas and people, try telling us whos talking :P The second paragraph gave no indication who was speaking xD Sounds good though, enjoy freedom again Alexin :P]

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

A device in my pocket beeps, the results of my blood tests are in. When comparng my blood to the woman's, it can be seen that they are very similar. Except for one thing;the human's blood has the 4 normal components, while mine has a 5th, that I call element V. I explain to atler, "This is the reason for my studies. In my first life, my skin was normal, like any humans. But now, it is lighter, tougher, and heals faster. I realised this while on prison ship, shortly before I met you. These results suggest that this substance was added during my rebirthing, and is the only difference between a human and myself. However, with every human I kill, I feel human running out and element V running in. If every human in the world were eliminated in the world, I could be immeasurabely powerful. I would not be godlike; I would be a god. For whatever reason, I was born with element V. I believe that if I could kill every human, I could figure out why this is. I could do anything. Change your metal ships to diamond. Change your grenades to nukes. Together we could rule the universe. Atlervetok, once your kingdom is safe again, will you help me destroy the human race?

[sorry it isn't well written, I figure that would take too long, basically I want atler to help me eliminate the human race]

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

"no i will not help u destroy the human race"
eric looked disappointed and stood up
"atleast let me explain eric"
ok he said
"i will not help u to destroy the human race i will help u to destroy certain planets i even help u eradicate an entire system of human presence"
but why won't u help me to destroy them entirely??asked eric
"what good is it to be a god if u have no people to rule"i bursted out in a big and loud laugh
"now sit down and let us eat my friend let us eat once more well before we start fighting"
eric sits down with a smile on his face and starts eating

"u have great ambitions my friend and i will help u reach them"