Re: Growing Alliance

i started of with 2 other players,friends of mine and not long after that i got someone to join by pure chance i guess i was attacking him and he offerd me his res in return i would cancell the attack i noticed he wasn't in an alliance so i cancelled my attack and asked if he wanted to join
then it went slow for a while again and i closed some ally agreements with other alliances and people still didn't join
but after waiting for a while people started to join
i even searched on the forums for people that placed posts who where searching for an alliance and asked if they would join mine
i don't really know how i got the members but i got them

Re: Growing Alliance

ouch, i got burned...and you both make sense...i guess then it's only right to apologize then for being an %#$hole, i kinda lose my temper from time to time and i shouldn't take it out on others.....and um, actually i had hoped the Jedi Order was already established, but it wasn't so i started it myself...