
I don't understand how a person is supposed to build up a fleet when everytime i get close to having nearly 100 of several different units sum other clan comes and destorys all of my fleets with 3000 BS and then recycles all of the debris field while i doesn't seem fair that, sum1 i can't spy or attack or anything, can take almost every last drop of my resources including energy (sorta) and there's nothing i can do but vent.... :evil: wtf :evil:

Re: How?

Yea it has been happening to me that is why i am pretty much down with this game. I dont have enough time to put in to this game expecially when the bigs destroy the little guys so much. Either they have to much time or they have boots doing this.

Re: How?

Here is another suggestion. Instead of getting upset with the person that is playing the game. Try asking the more experienced player how he was able to attack you and what you could have done to prevent it from happening again. 90% of the people that play this game would be more than willing to give you any tips that we can, and then we can test you to see if you are using the info. that was provided properly. If so we would congratulate you and move on to another target. If not we will attack again and again as long as we make a profit.

Sorry Comet, I couldn't resist. You got out of the way the other day, but this time you were on lanx.
[Showing no mercy!

Re: How?

would also point out that everyone you see at the top now had to fight there way there just as you guys are.You take the good with the bad and try and figure out the best way for you as a player to reduce the bad.

Case in point, outside of an issue that kept eOs from having control of his account, he has never been hit.Why? because he uses the game mechanics available to him to protect what he has earned.When he knows real life will prevent him from being on he goes into VM...when he has time to play he comes out.Yes this hinders his growth process but he doesn't go backwords either.

And yes it may sound like a broken record but either spend it or fleetsave ALL that you want to keep.You have made the time to come to the forums to generate a post on 'How?' take the few extra minutes..even hours if necessary to research other misfortunes to make sure you minimize the times you will be unfortunate!

Re: How?


There are helpful guides on how to protect your fleet in the forums (i think) and if not as has just been said, ask why it has happened and you will always be offered advice as how to improve.

The worst excuse is i didnt have time.

Well if you dont have the time plan around it. If you wont be on for two days, FS for two days or go on VMode and play when you can. You dont have to play 24 hours a day to reach the top you just have to be active when you are on and when your not on, in the air as they say.

If you leave 100bs on a planet and its profitable it will be destroyed.

Re: How?

i also thought it may be worth a mention that building fleets isnt the only thing you can do in the game, if you dont have enough time to play a lot maybe look at the other types of play?
thanks for the awesome sig surrias <3

Re: How?

Seems to me you didnt read enough info about the game.
People will kill your fleet when you are asleep most of the cases if you dont get your ship out of the planet, cause its the best time since you cant move it lol,its kinda expectable and thats why you need to fleetsave when you are not in front of the comp.
The more info you know about any game the better you will perform , the better you will enjoy the game and the faster you will skill up.
There all the info you need on these forums and it is sticky too so no one will miss it :P and if you asked top rated players Im sure most of them will help ya as myrsee said.