Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

After eating hungrily, I reply, "thank you, my name is Eric. That ship is of no value to me, but if you follow me, we can find a house, I need to do something. from there I can repay you for your kindness." When we enter the city, I lead atler to the first house I can find. I knock on the door, and an old man opens it. "This is my house now", I say to him. He tells me that I'm crazy, and it's his. I peer deep into his eyes, mine glowing. I can see his every thought, but I look deeper. Into his memory, experiences. He has fallen into a trance. He develops a headache, and becomes drowzy. Losing his memory. I then ask him again to let me in to my house. This time, he graciously offers us food. After inviting atler in, I tell him, "You can have whatever you want. Money, fame, just say the word. You may have saved my life, and that is a deed I will not soon forget."

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

I pull out my SR and blast a gaurds head clean off. Me and my pet and minion jump down and run in the door. I pull out my MG and the gaurds start running at me. I shoot one and I pull out my sword and stab the other in the chest. "Through that door is where im heading." I run through the door and standing there I see, Hentaga. My nemasis. "Well we meet again Alexin". "You again, I thought I saw the last of you on Garneterg IIX." "Well you thought wrong. And without farther adew, ATTACK!" Gaurds run at me. My pet goes after one and I go after the other. I stab him with my sword and then throw it at the other. I run and pick it up. "Well then, remember these?" 3 Ganders appear. "Bring it on!"

Gander: A robotic creature with a M5-Plasma SMG and F3-Plasma Sword with cloak capabilities.

Hentaga: A robotic villian with a H5-Plasma MG, and Dual J6-Plasma swords.

Stealthy but Powerful

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

"i wish only one thing Eric and that is a ship so i can return to my kingdom and take the throne and rule my lands and army."
i saw a glicening in his eyes and i knew he wasn't a normal human his appetite was strange and he just convinced a man that his house was erics house.[i looked carefully at eric estimating what i could espect from him,he looked un dangerous but looks can be deceptive]
and i step in to the house,"you offerd me money and fame none of that i wish i wish a ship to return to my kingdom"

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

What planet are eric and atler on?

"Napsal, get Hexar out of here!" Hexar gave me my weapons and then ran with Napsal. A Gander leaped at me so I pulled out my sword and I stabbed him in the chest. The other two started shooting at me. I threw the corpse of the first at one of them. The corpse hit him and he fell to the ground. I pulled out my pistol and started shooting the other one. I shot him in his power core and he blew up knocking the corpse of the other one. He got up and activated his sword. He leaped at me and I cut him in half. "Get ready Alexin." Hentaga leaped at me with both swords out. I pulled out my sword an leaped at him. We hit eachother then there was a flash and then an explosion that could be heard and seen for miles.

Stealthy but Powerful