Re: Adventure


I think you need to go through the thread one more time and read carefully if I dictated anywhere. :P
I merely suggested some angles, that is not dictatorship. I said u looked like in a trance, cause Kibagami is not used to with this kind of demonstrations.
You dont tell others what to do in this game, let them decide for themselves, but u may suggest.

I think ILPY's input is needed here.


I look up from the ground and confused by the sudden developments I step back to see what happens next.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Adventure

[Sorry didnt realize that this:

The bird has given out a loud cry and burst out in a blessing light, as it fades it transforms into a Lady. but as it is out of its protective enchantment Stalatraxes curse hits her and she caught fire. I run to the necromancer to stop him from incineration her. I thought of pushing him aside but that would make me burn as well as he is burning from within. I take a fist full of dust and through him at him, may be he will be distracted from this interruption.

I shout at Zesk, "Help me to make him stop he seems to be in some sort of trance!!!"

Wasnt saying that I was in a trance and was just suggesting it :P
As a general rule, just avoid mentioning what other characters are doing that they havent already described themselves doing or agreed on with you before hand :P Not giving out mate, just played a few of these before on another site or two, and found it works smoother. But yes, ILPY's input is needed now :P
On an unrelated note, would you be interested in joining another adventure if I made it?]

Re: Adventure

Lads, come come now. It's but a game! :) Let us just wait until ILPY posts his next; shall we?
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Adventure

Having some trouble without me? :roll:

Any ways, Eric.... you land in the maze thing again... ( they will rescue you soon)

The lady that atlervetok attacked, was not attacked (or eaten for that matter) but as atlervetok jumped at her a glowing light jumped from her hand and atlervetok was paralyzed....

so lets start back from there :D

Re: Adventure

*Grabs Skalathrax's hand and points it downwards to the ground*

"Save it, magi, surely you're not suprised at self-defense?"

*Folds arms and looks at the woman*

"State your name and business, please."
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Adventure

At last the chaos is settling. I stand up, I am not sure what has happened but Gale seems to have taken the woman out of her enchantment. The ring is not glowing any more so is she. I am more curious about its power more than ever, but for now we have a more pressing matter in hand.

I come close to the woman to listen what is her tell.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.