Re: Adventure

This is odd, against all of us the bird is still resisting with enormous force. Skalatrax adn Alexin took the right flank, Zesk and the gnome is attacking from left along with me. I look around for the elf, Gale they calls her as I learned, she is still at the woods. She seems to have radiating a soft glow from her. All of this happening at the same time getting hard to focus. I swing a blow to the bird with my knife at its left beak as it tried to spread it for air lift.

Gale seems have been lost in some sort of deep thoughts, it is odd to see her staring at a tree as if shes talking to it. Elfs interesting abilities they got. She has worn the ring, what is she doing I wonder. She straightened her arms towards the ground as if she was trying to raise the ground, almost looks like she is taking her chi increased from the ground, or may be she is releasing in it. ... hilosophy)

I wait to see what happens, not a clear view I got from where I am standing a cloud of dust is making the vision blur around the bird as it keeps his wings flapping. Then horror struck me as she raised her arms at us, I look around to others as they are oblivious to this sudden development.

But then realize she was pointing at the beast, I shout at others "Look out!!!".

And dive side wise to get away from what ever she intends to do to the bird...
Last edited by SPY on Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Adventure

Watching how they tried to kill the bird, I prepared myself for some spells, as i feld an imense power coming from the elf. 'What the...'
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...

Re: Adventure

"Wait, dont kill it. I know that bird. That was the old emporer of the Gnomer Empire's bird. He is alive." The glowing stuff happens and a beam flows from my hand to the bird. A sheild appears around me and then the bird. The rest of the group see's me healing the bird.

Stealthy but Powerful

Re: Adventure

the bird lets out a terrible screech as it transforms into a beautiful lady who is burning up in flames

she yells " stop the fire!!!!!!!!!!!"

Eric- as you are falling, you fall.... (you might want to open the parachute ;) )

Gale- ground- no reaction
bird- transforms into lady
yourself- nothing

Re: Adventure

Look up from the ground as I get up. The bird has given out a loud cry and burst out in a blessing light, as it fades it transforms into a Lady. but as it is out of its protective enchantment Stalatraxes curse hits her and she caught fire. I run to the necromancer to stop him from incineration her. I thought of pushing him aside but that would make me burn as well as he is burning from within. I take a fist full of dust and through him at him, may be he will be distracted from this interruption.

I shout at Zesk, "Help me to make him stop he seems to be in some sort of trance!!!"
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Adventure

Seeing the bird transform into a lady through the flames, Skalathrax ended the spell, cocking his head quizzically.
"This is ne-" He cut off as 3xyz's thrown sand hit him in the face, pausing, and taking the equivalent of a deep breath, he turned his head to the idiot warrior. "That was rude."
He fired a bolt of energy at the warriors feet, knocking him onto his back.
"Dont do it again."
After a couple of seconds of contemplation, looking down at the burned lady as she lay on the ground, he spoke "Who are you, and what is your purpose here."
[Please hold until ILPY gives her response]