Re: Spartans vs. Honorable-Elite

i have sailed the world and seen its wonders but not even here can they kill my spirit
ok all to side everyone for the Honorable-elite good luck and have fun but not with us lol
They are taking the land that belongs to the Clan
For I know what i want, And the time is right, For i will take what is mine

Re: Spartans vs. Honorable-Elite

if im not wrong.. elite is ranked 21st and spartans is way down the line.. next page i think 100+ ranked..
you guyz really are suicidal :lol: ..
good luck to both sides..
i dont think i have to ask witchy to look into her crystal ball to see how this one goes..
hope it aint another dud war.. show us watcha got.. ;)

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.