Re: Adventure

i give the ring to Gale and firmly take my axe i hold it up high and start charging towards the noise that big bird is gonna be good eating and of the feathers i can make stabilisators for the arrow the bones i can use to make a bow for the new warrior.
finnally some action even if it is with a bird and atleast we have something decent to eat.the further i run the louder the noise becomes the further i run increases my speed the ace is shing true power is showing my primal instincts are coming up a mad glow in my eyes is visible you see how much i craved for a fight
the feeling of bloodlust filling my every cell this is the frightening charge only a minotaur can do
when this happens i can't controll myself i just need to stay charging and in this state no fear or logic can reach my mind
Last edited by atlervetok on Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Adventure

I usher the others to follow Zesk and run after him. The minotour is truly resourceful, but his instinct lead him to take the bird as meal, I am more concerned about why it made such an awful cry.

I look around and tell the others, "Keep an wary eye around folks there is something not right here!"
Last edited by SPY on Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Adventure

*Puts on the ring and watches the others run ahead.*

I take a few paces into the woods myself, seeing as how the sun has started to rise and I can see where I'm going now. I worry not that Zesk has found the bird as his food. However, hearing the fowl's cry makes me I halt my steps to observe my surroundings. Elves can hear the voice of the wood; no? Then why could I not hear this one... I cautiously position myself nearby a tree and press my palm gently on it's side.

"Why, my friend, are you silent?"
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Adventure

when atlervetok gets to the bird the opens its talons and slashes through the air barely missing him

ERIC: when you open the door you see......nothing, just a pit of darkness..... and a few parachutes :)

gale, as you put on the ring you feel yourself gain powers

Re: Adventure

Following the group at a slow pace, Skalathrax brooded angrily. Despite his warnings the gnome had attempted to raise the woman with the book. His protestations had been ignored, and despite his earlier attempt to coerce the broken woman to rise, the book had raised the woman, and in doing so had destroyed her already broke spirit. The gnome seemed oblivious to the atrocity he had just committed, and he made a mental note to discuss necromancy and its effects with the gnome later to ensure there were no repeats. The rest of the group seemed to be content with the gnomes actions, apart from the minotaurs dislike of all magics. He made a note to explain to the group why the book must not be used after he had talked to the gnome.
The new human (Ghosthaunter) followed them, walking close to but apart from Skalathrax. It was clear that he disliked the fact that Skalathrax was of the undead, but also agreed with him on the business of necromancy. Skalathrax made to go over and talk to him, when a large bird assaulted the minotaur. His sullen anger lept at the chance to be unleashed, and with a muttered word, Skalathrax lept the intervening distance accelerating swiftly, he tore his sharply clawed hand through the creatures throat

as he sped past it, slowing unnaturally fast, he levitated to a standstill and engulfed the bird in flame.

Re: Adventure

Seeing the big bird trying to defend it self, a thought comes to my mind. The bird is not of anything that I have seen before. Its size is way bigger than a normal bird. I wonder what sorcery was involved in making such a creature.
I swiftly reach Zesk in support of him along with the Skalatrax and others. Draw the knife out of my kimono and shout to the others "Surround the bird!!! Dont let it spread its wings ajar, or we will not be able to catch it."
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Adventure

I'll let the rest of the group handle the bird. My concern is not with a simple fowl, but with the speechless wood. What has changed about me? My time away from such a thick nature, yes...but what else?... Then I realize...I look at the ring upon my hand.

"This must be of some use. What could it help me with?"

I used a few test points to discover the ring's power and what, exactly, it is meant to react with.

First, I pointed my finger with the ring at the ground, and commanded its talents. (Reaction, ILPY?)

Second, I pointed at the bird's direction, and commanded its talents. (Reaction, ILPY?)

Third, I pointed at myself, and commanded its talents. I knew it might be dangerous, but I needed some sort of living organism with high intelect as a subject, and I refused to use a comrade. (Reaction, ILPY?)

_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________