Re: Adventure

i will take guard but hear my words i can not protect against sorcery if that evil you talk about is in a body that can bleed and be injured i will protect.but sorcery what honour is to gain in that there is no combat skill involved in that and i have never learned magic.
i have learned to kill with my axe i have learned to cut a hair in half with my axe i have learned many things but sorcery i can't be involved.
thoughts going trough my mind"sorcerers it's good for nothing why it s invented i can never understand but to serve Gale in this quest i would follow to the pits of tartarus and beyond"
i throw my axe hard in the ground and i sit down and start to meditate in the ancient way unknow by everyone who never has learned the culture of the minotaurs making my body and my soul ready for battle!

Re: Adventure

"I know the ways of magic and fighting. I learned them after the few of us escaped. For you guys... I will try to revive her. Protect me well I do it, it should take a while." I walk over to the woman and drop my weapon. My eyes start to glow, then I start to glow. "OK if anything comes keep them off me." I start the spell. A beam flows from my hand over to her. The woman starts to glow and a barriar appears around me.

Stealthy but Powerful

Re: Adventure

'what is he doing!' As a sorcerer, the basics of every magic is to not mesh with death! It can go really wrong. I rememberd, when my master was still alive, a starting magican tried to revive his lost love. But instead of making her alive, he called up evil spirits who took over the bodys of the corps in the graveyard. Result: a whole undead invasion. My master could barely stop it.

'I have to stop this before anything goes wrong!' I take my staff and begins with a spell take will hold the spirits away
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...

Re: Adventure

*Sits next to Atlervetok, the person that I get along with most, and looks around the perimeter. Eventually, I see the young man with the staff.*


*Grabs Atlervetok's arm to make him follow me as I run to the man*

"Just what do you think you're doing?"

_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Adventure

i feel Gale touching my arm and i open my eyes just in time to see Gale running towards a guy with a staff i jump up grab my axe and follow as fast as i can.
i hear Gale saying "Just what do you think you're doing?" and i go stand behind him ready to restrain him if he did any suspicious movement.
i don't know why but i couldn't smell fear or danger of him strange.......

Re: Adventure

the woman sits up....

"The third line!!!!!" she yells "THE THIRD LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Then she lies back down....

and whispers "forget the apostrophe.... its a hidden meaning"

then explodes in a burst of light leaving behind only a ring.

'gain the power of Eistheralsan

atlervetok picks up the ring (i knew you would anyways) and look at it

you see words... it says I hope you find this...

and in ANOTHER flash of light a small paper appears in the ring

IT says go to the forest, just wander until she finds you...
she will help you find him

Re: Adventure

As the sudden developments commence I try to imagine what the power of Eistheralsan is all about, I am sure it will reveal it self in time. It looks like the bunch is developing a trust among themselves, I feel content and can feel the breeze of confidence rising in the group. In a battle if one cannot trust them companion, doom awaits you in the end no matter how well equipped the team is.

The gnome they say it is, has successfully revived the soul and I am grateful the risk I have introduced paid of. Now we have a lead on how to proceed.

Hmmm sorcery, the young gnome is right about the treachery that lies within it. A ring emerges from the remnants of a souls dispersing, the valiant Zesk has picked it up for inspection. Truly minotours are wondrous creatures, no fear for any danger. He found some new clues, the time for action has come. Another quest.

I stride to the nearest tallest tree and climb up easily, from the top I try to understand where this mysterious woman may be found.
The forest is so dense that I can hardly make a glimpse of the where about. I try to go high up to get a clear view, and look about. I am impressed with the mix of trees and how densely they have grown. I try to inspect the surrounding.

PS: for the flow i changed it a bit :D
Last edited by SPY on Mon Dec 21, 2009 3:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.