Re: Adventure

Skaltha read the page from the book. Shaking his head scornfully, he incinerated the book with a thought.
Muttering under his breath in an unintelligeble tongue, the other party members felt the hair on their necks stand on end as he sent his thoughts out through the graveyard looking for others like himself, of nonevil alignment with the strength of will to animate their conscious bodies, with a little initial help.

Re: Adventure

The prologue:

In quest for the greatest battle of all time, I Kibagami, roamed for months in the mystery land for warriors who can prevail in upcoming fierce engagement. I starved for glory so long. Now seems my patience will provide it's fruit. I discovered a group of strangely matched creatures, while I was watching the store ( ... 150#p34061).

They have already passed through some prodigious encounters and started to cope with each other, and settling to an equilibrium. Is this the companion I have been searching for?
Oh no, there seems to be a commotion, the group is being chased by the merchant. The warrior with the fair hair seems to have tried to appropriate a bow ( ... 160#p34476). Interesting mix of characters there, a smirk emerges on my ragged face.
They went for the forest riding the wind, I better get going and leave the store behind before loose the odd band of creatures.
All of them went in the forest (not a good move there, hmmm r they up for it?). Wait I think I missed some thing, it seems I am unable to find the fair haired warrior among the others. ( ... 200#p36098) I better wait and see what happens next. I make myself scarce in the woods.
Something strange is going on, the little fella seems to have tried some sort of sorcery on a parchment or some thing and levitated on top of it ( ... 220#p36438). He looks a bit out of tricks there ;).

Hmm my destined companions seem to be in trouble, all of a sudden surrounded by the vicious orcs. No my sight is giving me problems, they seem to have started some sort of war ritual ( ... 240#p36705) performing orcs slaying acts.

Now my pursue led me close to a graveyard. They seem to have decided to do some sort of Necromancy, or may be some sort of dark magic.


Do they know what they are doing? I wonder. I better introduce myself before anything much terrible happens.

And now:-----
I say to the veiled warrior coming out of my concealment of the wood "Apologies my friend, but I believe you have The Book of the Dead or at least that's how our race knows it by."
I close in on the group to show them my full attire, concealing my knife and other small belongings that I had so far( ... 150#p34134), within my Kimono.
I say again with a hint of caution this time, "That book needs to be read with at most certainty, you need to make sure the cadaver is not of an evil person. If that script have been used to make this women rest in peace, I ask only to take a second look around."

Seeing him contemplating my strange samurai clothing and not being able to discern whether I am armed or not, I raise my arm and gestured friendly at them all and say in a very calm voice, "My name is Kibagami, a warrior of the east. I come to join you in battle that expected hence forth". And look forward to the girl in center, who seem to be taking point.
I hope she will introduce me to the rest of the group.
Last edited by SPY on Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:43 am, edited 6 times in total.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Adventure

welcome Kibagami a warrior of the east my name is I am Zeskuk de-Teskos first prime guard atleast i did you find us my fellow warrior??
when i ask this i see i still hold up my axe and i put it with the blades on the ground.and while i await his reply i again take up the piece of wood and start to cut the shield further out so our little friend has a shield to protect himself."shame there wasn't a fight it was a good day for it yet again someone could get harmed"i thought in myself.maybe it was him Gale saw and i just over reacted damn my fellings of fear damit why do i keep having the feeling something is going to happen i silently mumbled.
i turn my head to Gale and Alexin and skalatrax and said a little louder then ment to i'm sorry my friends that i over reacted but atleast now i know for sure skalatrax is on our side.*i turn my head back so i can watch Kibagami his eyes are like trying to hide a deeply disturbing thaught a feeling of old but what i can not tell and i can't even be sure *still cutting the shield*and i keep watching him and i can't help thinking were his weapons are if he is a warrior surely he can fight unarmed but avery warrior has a weapon its just like imagining a tree without branches its unnatural oh well never mind.
and that book i have never heard of it but yet it seems to be of great importance but even then i can't be interested in since i can't read.
and that dead body strange i cant call it since we are at a graveyard but i think according what i have learnded about human rituals is that they burrie there dead as somekind of farewell but i can be incorrect

Re: Adventure

(3yxz I burned the book, and being an undead warlock Im searching for nonevil persons with the strength of will to animate their conscious bodies, with a little initial help. As I said :P)

Re: Adventure

I moved swiftly passed Zesk and lean close to remains of the burned book and pick it up.
The flame is furious but it seems the book has got some protective enchantment. It will not go into to ashes. I put out the flame. I turn around and face Skaltha, a bit annoyed it seems I made him. I give the book back and say, "This book is a powerful tool. My friend, look closely in the verses."

Code: Select all

We live to die and die Alive
When one dies another survives
I continue "A soul is sacrificed to make the undead wake up and walk about. This book gives the power to make the change in the cycle of life. The undead that were waken are because of this book. I believe their must be something along the script that may help us to send them back to the undead and make this women whole, who was a witness to the abduction of your fair haired friend. Maybe then she might be able to guide us how to reach your friend."

PS: this is a role playing game so please stick to characters and it is Kibagami here not 3yXz :D
@ ILPY am I interpreting wrong or is it OK to improvise?
Dont want to add another post for this one.
@Skaltha, I thought we are suppose to make decisions but the consequences were guided by ILPY.
I thinkg we should open another thread, where we can post our charecter details :D and discussions.
Last edited by SPY on Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Adventure

(Improve is fine as long as we dont make decisions. If we do he ignores them. Its a bit unweildy but its how he plays.)

"Which is why it must be destroyed. The woman had the book, there is no other explanation for why it is by her corpse. No necromancer would leave it here with his sacrifice. It is a blasphemy against my people, and it and the woman must burn."

Re: Adventure

"There all around me, Help! Help! Get away from me you vial beings." The vision of my family being killed flashed before my eyes. I snap out of my trance, still powered by the green glow. "Burn the book! Burn it now!" I yell walking towards the book. "That book caused the death of most of the Gnome empire. Only a few remain of the once glorious Gnome empire. I was one of them. Now burn it! Burn it now!"

Stealthy but Powerful