Re: Adventure

'Can't believe he's dead.' I was walking trough the forest, towards the graveyard, to the grave of my master, while picking up some old memories. 'Two years. Two long years you aren't in this world anymore, killed by those assasins, I still can't believe it.' Reaching the graveyard, I suddenly felt danger, fear and anger, a lot of anger. All my senses were immediatly focused. I close my eyes, searching for auras. 'hmm, three auras on the graveyard.' I tried to to remember my lessons. One of them was a minotaur, couldn't mis that, the power of his aura was overwelming. The other was a gnome, small but dangerous. And the last aura is a pool of mysterie. 'An elf, The only one were everything around is a mysterie'. Suddenly, I feel other auras, a lot of other auras, all dark and evil. 'The assasins!' Rage fills my heart,feeding my power and will. "takes staff". 'They will pay for everything they did!' I smash my staff into the ground, calling my powers and started speaking old forgotten ancients word, calling the spirits of the fallen...

Dark clouds starts to gather and the rain begins to fall.
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...

Re: Adventure

"Guys look over there!". I run over and slash the bushes away from the glowing light. "What the?" I say in surprise. "Its you!" A circle glowing green apears around me. Then my eyes start to glow green. Then me and my weapons finally start to glow. "Your the one who was with "him"!" "You and him killed my family when I was young!" "And for that, I can never forgive you!"

Stealthy but Powerful

Re: Adventure

"Skalthrax, apparently everyone knows these things except for us...But I'm in for a fight. Alright, then, cowards! Come out!"

*pulls out sword and stands at Atlervetok's side*

_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Adventure

ok first of all there are no assassins here

ghosthaunter, you could have said that you remember assassins, but not that you smell them because i tell you what is where and what the results of your actions are :)

as you go towards the graveyard you see a corpse...

suddenly you realize who it is, the woman who warned you not to go in the woods... a book is lying next to her open and flipped to a page