Re: Adventure

when we arrive at the grave yard i went to a tombstone and lean against it,my eyes searching for a suspicous thing my ears focussed so i would hear others coming.
i watched the tree line carefully tightening my grip around my handle of my axe "i said Gale and alexin be carefull i have a bad feeling about this" i turned a litlle so i could see Skalathrax and said even though i do not trust you be carefull.
while in my head a voice screamed that i was doing everything wrong everything we did here was against my instinct "oh i wished i had my loyal battalion alongside me they would have secured the area and then i would atleast know nothing would get to us without a warning"
my muscles were bulking up while my grip tightend around my axe i was ready to fight if something would happen
still carefully watching the treeline making sure i didn't missed a thing but when i saw nothing i relaxed.
i layed my axe on the ground and went after a piece of wood a big piece of oak wood

and i ask to Gale"could i use your knife?? im going to cut out a shield and spear for our goblin he isn't unarmed
Last edited by atlervetok on Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Adventure

RogueSpearofTRA wrote:foolish minotaurs picking the wrong role models

Ouchhhh....Shot to the heart :lol: .

*Gives Atlervetok my pocket knife*
"Sure thing, but be quick about it."


"Is there....something moving over there?"
*Points at the line of trees*
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__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Adventure

as i take the pocketknife i hear gale say "what is that in the tree line" i watch up and see a shade i think "dammit those probably are the assasins the king orderd to assasininate Gale"i jump up and say"alexin that shield is going to be for later"and 'i give Gale back her poketknife' i take my axe of the ground and hold it firmly i tell Gale to make ready for a fight and i yell" warlock this is your chance to show you are on our side this is probably come to a fight",alexin you to!!you see the terror in my eyes,you almost can sense my fear,you can almost see my heart pounding in my throat but still i hadn't lost hope i feeld that with Gale on my side and alexin watching my back.i even dare to take on this creatures,my feares were erased and new feelings filled me inside.insteed i felt courage ragint through my vains i felt my honour filling my heart and i felt friendship with those who would stand next to me and fight with me.and last but not least Rage filling every cel of my body,rage you saw me filled up with rage my eyes turned red my horns blunk in the sun you saw my hands almost breaking the handle of my axe and you saw my feet scraping ready to charge at any moment
in my mind i thaught "if it are those faul creatures who cause so much fear in the minotaur empire,if it are those pets of the emporor then there is one thing i am sure they will die!!!